Optional Chapter: Hagakure #3

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(A/N): This chapter takes place at the same time as with the other third optional romance chapters. (R/N) is still recovering at Kensaki hospital after being taken from The Hero Licensing Exam by The League of Villains. Along with engaging in a brutal battle with them and Yato Nashu.

**(R/N) = Reader's Name**
**Bolded Text = Character's Thoughts)**

It was early morning at Kensaki Hospital. As you laid there in your hospital bed, you looked out the crystal-clear window to admire the outside world. It was beginning to look like a beautiful day. There was not a cloud in the sky and the trees on the landscape were bright green. It was such a shame that you had to spend it inside. You attempted to move your legs in order to stand up, but a sharp pain occurred all around your body. Forcing you to slink back down in the comfort of the cushions. From next to your bed, your phone sounded off a text message notification. You picked it up and saw who it was from.

Phone: New Message: Hagakure

You: That's weird. Toru usually doesn't text me this early in the morning.

Hagakure (Message): Hey, do you have a minute to talk. I'm sorry if I woke you.

You (Message): It's alright, I was up already. What is it? Is something wrong?

She doesn't respond to the text, instead she calls you. You answer.

You: Toru? Are you okay?

Hagakure (Phone): Yeah, I'm fine. I just wanted to know if you were doing better.

Her speech sounded pretty groggy. It seemed like she had just woken up. Plus, she was never really an early riser. It meant a lot to you that she did this.

You: Really? You were so worried about me that you called just to see how I was doing.

Hagakure (Phone): Of course! I haven't been able to see you since the licensing exam. We get mixed messages here at the dorms on our condition. I just wanted to know directly from you.

You: Yeah, I understand that. If you are that concerned, I will tell you what's going on. First off, I am feeling a lot better than when I first woke up. I am still completely bed ridden. Occasionally, I get brought out to undergo physical therapy and medical examinations. I am making great progress and so far, the doctors have not found any more concerns in terms of my brain. They will probably keep me here for at least a week to make sure I am safe to return to school. Though, I can imagine that I will probably have to limit the use of my quirk.

Hagakure (Phone): Wow, I can't believe you have to go through all of that.

You: Well, when you undergo a psychic explosion for a second time, it's not really something you can just brush off.

Hagakure (Phone): Ha Ha! I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh. It's just the way you said it, you make it seem like it happens to you all the time.

You: Heh Heh! I think at this point it wouldn't be too much of a stretch to say that.

The two of you laugh with each other over the phone. You compose yourselves and Toru continues with the conversation.

Hagakure (Phone): (R/N), I was just wondering. Is there a chance that I can come visit you today, well that is if I can get a ride? I really miss you.

You: Actually, any time today would be good. The doctors decided that I should have a day to be free of any kind of test and just relax today. I'm free for visitors all day.

Hagakure (Phone): Really?! Oh my gosh! That is amazing! Okay, I'm going to call my parents to see if they can drive me to Kensaki. I'll text you when I'm on my way.

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