Optional Chapter: Tsuyu #4

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**Tsuyu's POV**

It was pretty rough to come back to U.A. knowing such a horrible incident happened that both Kirishima were somewhat involved in. It was kind of weird that classes went on as usual, but since neither I nor any of my classmates who were helping (R/N) were severely injured, I guess it made sense. What made everything different was for the past two weeks, Mr. Aizawa wasn't teaching us and (R/N) wouldn't be in class. I knew that Phoebe Nania had passed away during "Yato's Calamity". (R/N) was with Phoebe when she died, so I'm sure he had his reasons for not being here. She did mean a lot to him and Mr. Aizawa. Both Kirishima and I tried to check on (R/N) several times, but to no avail. He just stayed locked away in his room. The only time we both physically saw them was at a ceremony U.A. held to commemorate Phoebe and all the other Pro-Heroes who died that day.

Eventually, Mr. Aizawa returned to class. He had a cast on his arm and leg. A few days later, (R/N) showed up to class. For a moment I felt relieved to see that he looked to be getting better. Except when anyone tried talking to him, he completely ignored them like they weren't even there. Then he would just return to his room. I was worried about him, I had to find some way to help him. Going through a loss is not something you should handle on your own. Currently, I am hanging out with the girls on the second-floor lounge area, but I was lost in my own thoughts.

Ochaco: What do you think we should do, Tsu?

Tsuyu: Huh? Oh, sorry Ochaco. I wasn't paying attention.

Ochaco: We are trying to narrow down the choices on what we should do for the school festival.

Tsuyu: Oh, I don't know. They all sound great.

Hagakure: Yeah, but how do we choose just one.

Yaoyorozu: Look girls, we have already gotten rid of a few choices, but there are still a lot left. We have to narrow down the list before we meet up with the boys tomorrow.

Jiro: Momo, we've been at this for hours. I say we hold off on the decision until tomorrow. Maybe the boys will have a better input than just the six of us.

Yaoyorozu: I guess you're right, Jiro. We are all probably really tired. It may take longer, but this is something we all have to agree on.

Jiro: At least we determined the choices we absolutely don't want to do.

Ochaco: Yeah. Well, it was a good attempt. I will see you all tomorrow. Goodnight.

Hagakure: Goodnight, everyone.

Jiro, Yaoyorozu, Ochaco, and Hagakure got up and went back to their rooms. I just stayed on the couch, but I didn't realize that Mina was still here with me. She slid closer over to me and put her hand on her own cheek. I turned my head and saw how close she was.

Tsuyu: What?

Mina: So...what are you gonna do?

Tsuyu: About what?

Mina: About (R/N). Who else?

Tsuyu: How did? Uh, I mean-well I-I'm. Um no, I wasn't thinking about him.

Mina: Come on, Tsu. It's not that hard to tell that you like him.

Tsuyu: He's my friend. Why wouldn't I like him?

Mina: Yeah, but what I'm talking about is that you like-like him.

Tsuyu: (blushes) ribbit. Mina I-...okay, I guess you caught me.

Mina: I knew it! You got a crush on (R/N)!

Tsuyu: Mina keep your voice down. Please, just promise me you won't tell anybody else.

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