Chapter 71: Himiko's Mission (Chapter 3)

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In the city of Kamino, Himiko was staying within the shadows. As she was getting close to the remains of the nomu factory, it was crawling with police officers. She was wearing a hoodie to prevent anybody from noticing her. Soon she finally made it there and stayed hidden in an alleyway. A large chain-linked fence surrounded the crime scene. Several guards were stationed at the only entry point. Some detectives and pro-heroes were already inside trying to search for the serum. Himiko raised her hand up to her ear and activated a communicator.

Himiko: Alright Yato, I'm right outside of the factory.

Yato (communicator): Good, what's happening over there.

Himiko: There are guards stationed all over the place. Most of the remains of the factory have been cleared out, but there are still large piles of rubble. They aren't big enough for me to hide behind. There are too many open spaces. I'm bound to get caught if I try to sneak in.

Yato (communicator): Well, you better think of some kind of plan to get in and get that serum. Or else you better not come back.

Himiko: Don't worry. This isn't my first-time commiting a break in. I'll find that stupid serum before you know it.

Yato: Let's hope so. For your sake. Yato out.

Himiko then reached into her pocket and pulled out a piece of paper. It was the paper that she took out of the notepad from the detective she had killed. It may have been dried up blood now, but it would still work. She put it into her mouth and let her saliva dampen it. Once it was soft enough, she swallowed. She activated her quirk in which her original body began to be covered in a grey paste like substance. It began to form pigment and shaped itself into the form of an adult male. Specifically, Himiko was able to morph into Detective Tsukauchi. When she was fully disguised, she walked towards the entry point.

Tsukauchi?: Excuse me, my name is Detective Tsukauchi. I was sent here to help with the investigation and the search.

Guard: Very well, but I have to see some identification before we let you in.

Tsukauchi?: Of course. We can't be too careful nowadays.

She pulled out the notepad she had stolen from the detective. On the inside of it was his picture and information. The guard looked it over and handed it back to the disguised Himiko.

Guard: You're all clear. Good luck detective.

Tsukauchi?: Thank you.

Himiko then began to walk around. She had to find this serum quickly, because there was no telling how long her disguise would hold up. It seemed impossible considering how big the destruction area was. She kept looking for any sign of some secret compartment. Sometimes moving rubble and scrap out of the way just in case it was accidentally dug up. An hour passed by and still nothing. That was when she noticed something small sticking out of the ground. She walked over to it and at first thought it was a nail from one of the many workbenches that were destroyed. A closer look at it showed that there was a hole at the top of it. It wasn't a nail, it was a finger prick. Himko moved some dust out of the way and realized that it was a fingerprint/blood scanner. She looked around to make sure that nobody was watching. She didn't know if it would work, but she pressed her thumb down on the prick. She could feel her blood begin to leak out and after a few seconds the pad underneath lit up green. Compressed air was released and a small slab opened up. Himiko sucked on her thumb to clean up the blood, then move the slab out of the way. Inside, still intact, was the vial of black fluid known as Project Omen. Himiko carefully picked it up, but then she heard somebody behind her.

Pro-hero: Wow! Great job detective. How did you find it?

Tsukauchi?: Oh, uh, I have a keen eye for details. Detective instinct, I guess.

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