1 ~ America tour

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the day they leave for tour ~

i wake up to someone banging on my door, i groan as i pull my covers over my head "ENVY! GET UP, WE GOTTA START LEAVING" i roll my eyes as i hear bill yell through the door before walking away, but sit up reluctantly.

i chose the nickname Envy for myself, Evelyn was just such a little girls name, and when we started having bigger concerts i quickly caught on to all the girls that envied me for being in the band with the boys, so now it's almost like my stage name. everyone calls me it.

picking up my phone i see the time is 8:30am. mumbling something about how it's too early for this shit, i move to my vanity and sit down, brushing my hair as i yawn.

i turn music on my phone, connecting it to my speaker as right here - by chase atlantic starts playing. i hum along to the song as i go through my mostly empty closet for clothes since everything is packed, opting out of showering and deciding to do it later tonight at the hotel, i pull a black and red striped red sweater with rips in it and black short shorts out of my closet, i quickly get dressed before moving back to my vanity to do my makeup as the next song comes on, do i wanna know? - by Arctic Monkeys

 i hum along to the song as i go through my mostly empty closet for clothes since everything is packed, opting out of showering and deciding to do it later tonight at the hotel, i pull a black and red striped red sweater with rips in it and black ...

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(the fit !!)

i do some simple makeup, winged eyeliner and black eyeliner on my waterline with some red eyeshadow under my eye, along with highlighter in the corner of my eyes and on my nose, finishing it with mascara when i hear someone knock on my bedroom door once more.

i sigh as i pause my music, walking to my door and opening it to see tom standing there with his hands in the pockets of his oversized blue jeans. "yes, tom?" i ask, slightly grumpy from the fact it's still so early. "bill told me to come make sure you were up and getting ready" he says as his eyes scan down over my outfit, pausing on my legs where the sweater falls over my shorts to make it look like i'm pant-less

"hey, my eyes are up here" i say as i snap once to make his eyes look back at my face, and he smirks "i know" i roll my eyes at his smugness walking away from him and back over to my vanity as i leave my door open with him standing there "well, here i am, up and getting ready at eight in the fucking morning" i mumble loud enough for him to hear as i see him walk into my room through the mirror, watching as he sits on the edge of my bed and looks at me while he chuckles lowly at my words.

"you're such a bitch in the mornings" he says, the stupid smirk still on his face. "you're such a bitch always" i respond back, giving him a sarcastic smile as i put on lipgloss as i continue to look at him through the mirror. he raises his hands up defensively as he stands back up "well, we're all downstairs and waiting just for you when you're ready princess" he says as he turns to walk out. i roll my eyes at the nickname, sighing softly when he closes the door behind him.

i stand up and give myself a once over the mirror, running my fingers through my hair before quickly pulling on black knee-high socks and my regular everyday boots before i grab everything i need, putting my makeup in my bag, and my phone in my pocket before grabbing my suitcase and my bag and finally walking down to the boys.

me and the boys all live in one house together, me and Bills rooms are upstairs, the biggest two, across the hall from each other with one bathroom, and Tom Gustav and Georgs are downstairs, smaller ones, in a hall with Georg and Gustavs next to each other and tom and the bathroom across from them.

when i walk down i set my stuff at the end of the staircase along with Bills, seeing three boys on the couch watching aimlessly at the tv, and bill in the kitchen drinking what cannot be his first cup of coffee that morning. i wave at Gustav and Georg with a small smile, ignoring Tom to piss him off, before walking into the kitchen and smiling at bill when he notices me.

"good morning sleepyhead" i roll my eyes at his words, chuckling softly as i lean my back on the counter in front of me "how you woke me up was not a good morning" i say jokingly, smiling once again when he nods with a laugh before finishing he cup of coffee "ready to go?" he asks and i nod, following after him as he walks to the boys, announcing we're ready, and everyone grabs there stuff as we head out the door.

me and Bill ride with Tom driving in one car, Georg and Gustav going in the other as Georg drives. after i lock the door behind all of us i shout out "shot gun!" knowing Bill would have taken it, and they all laugh at me besides bill who rolls his eyes. as we all pile into the cars i turn to Georg "please don't kill Gustav with your driving, he's my favorite" i say jokingly, the entire group having a running joke that Georg is the worst driver. "shut up Envy" he says with a smile as he shoves my shoulder, and we both laugh before getting in our respective cars.

we were going to the airport, not having to worry about the cars being there because we have management that are meeting us at the airport and taking them back home for us. we're going on a US tour, and i have never been so excited. it's our first america tour, and i know it won't be our last, but i'm most excited to see my best friend. when i was in russia i was friends with this girl named Lina, and we've always kept in touch. a few years after i left for Germany, she moved to the U.S, and we've both been stoked for this up coming tour since we haven't seen each other for nine years.

i was silent the whole 45 minute drive, humming along to whatever song tom had playing while the other two had small conversations, i just kept my head leaning against the window and watching the city pass by.


"i hate the airport" i mumble as we all sit in seats waiting for our plane to be called, having already been through security around 20 minutes ago and we're just in the uncomfortable seats, either talking to each other or on our phones.

"you're so dramatic, Envy" Bill says as he rolls my eyes playfully, sitting to my left, and Tom is on my right with Georg on his right and Gustav on Bills left. i poke his side, making a small yelp leave his lips and i smile in accomplishment.

Gustav goes to say something when my phone starts ringing in my lap, and i give him an apologetic smile for interrupting him before answering the call, Lina being the one who called

"hey, what's up?" i ask, speaking in russian which immediately makes the boys all look at me, trying to read my face since they can't understand the language. "i was wondering when you're gonna get here? i'm at my hotel in new york right now and i'm restless to see you" i smile at her words, glancing at all the boys looking at me before standing up and walking a bit away from their curious stares.

"we're at the airport, but we've been waiting like thirty minutes now to board, so hopefully soon i'll be on the way" i respond, turning my back to the boys as i talk, and i hear her sigh on the other side of the phone. "wait, shouldn't you be asleep? isn't it like dead hours of the night for you right now" i say, realizing we're six hours ahead of new york and it's ten am, that would make it four in the morning for her.

"you know what i think i have to go.." she says sarcastically, making me laugh and roll my eyes knowing she was caught "we're about the board, it's like an eight hour flight, so i'll text you when we land" i tell her, hearing our flight called over the speaker and turning to see the boys picking up their stuff and getting ready to board. we say our 'i love yous' and good byes before i walk back over

"what was that about?" Tom asks, and i glance at him as i pick up my carry on bag "none of your business nosy ass" i say, smiling at him while he rolls his eyes annoyed at my response, and we finally start walking to board our plane.

first chapter!! these are gonna be long as hell cuz this is only chapter one and i have 1500 words... anyways love you all bye <3

Playgirl - Tokio Hotel - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now