3 ~ hung up and over

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the smell of booze, cigarettes, and weed hits my nose the second we step in the club, and it makes me smile as i walk with my arm linked in Linas. we all immediately walk over to the bar, my arm still with Linas and bill stands on the other side of me now.

"double shot of tequila please!" i yell over the loud music to the bartender while everyone gets drinks. theres vibrant blue green and purple lights flashing continually and music loud enough to make my ears throb, but i smile none the less.

when the man behind the bar puts my shot down i immediately tip my head back, enjoying the familiar burning sensation before asking for another one right after, and when i tip my head back again i can hear bill laugh next to me. "you're very eager to get drunk" he says, closer to me so he doesn't have to talk so loud.

"you aren't?!" i ask, and he shrugs his shoulders while taking a sip of whatever is in his cup. "come dance with me!" i yell again, grabbing his hand and dragging him out to all the sweaty people grinding on each other in the middle of the room. i stop once we're in the middle of all the people and smile at him as i move my hips and sway to the song, turning around so my back is to his chest and his hands go to my waist while we move in sync, our bodies close but not touching.

i close my eyes as i lean my head back on his shoulder, my arm on the other side wrapping around his neck, and he places a kiss to my shoulder. i smile and open my eyes to see bill smiling back at me. we're best friends, and we both know this is just dancing no matter how else it might look.

when i look away from bills eyes, searching the crowd for any potential girls or boys to dance with, i see tom staring at me.

he has a girl on him, and i mean on him, her back pressed firmly against his chest, her butt against his crotch, his hands on her waist and his face on her shoulder. but he's looking at me.

i raise an eyebrow und curiosity at him, but he looks away and starts kissing the girls neck. "Tom was staring at me" i say as quietly as i can into Bills ear where he can still hear me. "what?" he asks back, matching my tone and lifting his head up enough to look around before he too finds tom, with the girl now turned around, his hands on her ass and they're making out.

"nevermind" i say, brushing it off as him being weird and moving from bill "i'm gonna go get another drink!" i yell as i walk away, and Bill nods before i lose him in the crowd. i stumble a bit as i push through the people, now feeling the four shots i had hit me a bit as i feel tipsy all a sudden.

i make it back to the bar and see Georg still sitting there, now talking to a pretty lady next to him with his hand on her knee. i walk next to him and wave down the bartender "gin and tonic please" i say to the man, and he smiles with a nod before moving to make my drink. George and the girl stand up and when he glances at me i wink at him with a smirk before they walk towards the dance floor.

i sit down where Georg just was with a sigh, facing my back towards the bar once my drink is handed towards me and sipping it as i scan the people once more. "you here alone?" i hear a voice ask from next to me, and when i turn my head i'm met with a beautiful man. he has short tight curled hair, deep brown skin, and piercing blue eyes. i smirk, looks like i found some candy.

"maybe. who's asking?" i ask, watching as he sits next to me with a smirk of his own "someone who's interested in you" he says. his voice isn't too deep, but i just know if he whispered in my ear it'd send shivers down my spine. "if they're so interested maybe they should take me to dance!" i say, playing with my tongue piercing between my teeth, and i can see the way his eyes flicker to it before he stand up, offering his hand, and i grin.

i throw back the rest of my drink and stand up, taking his hand as he leads hs into the crowd. i'm definitely drunk now, the lights blurring with each other and the song just sounding like a mush of beats. once he stops i go back to the position i was in when i was dancing with Bill, but the time my body as pressed up against his, my ass grinding on his crotch as he hands hold and guide my hips firmly. i wrap an arm around his neck and pull his head down, his lips connecting with the skin under my ear and down my neck as i let out a content sigh.

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