4 ~ Tired

42 0 0

(OKAY SO FOR THIS CHAPTER !! when they're talking bold is still german, but when they're singing bold is Bill by himself, and bold and italic is both, and just italic is Envy!)

backstage ~

i stop strumming my guitar and hiss, shaking my hand that was on the neck "Envy why did you stop?" bill asks, turning to look at me annoyed. "because we've been practicing for an hour now and fingers hurt" i roll my eyes, showcasing my hand where my fingers are red and have lines in them from the strings

"yeah mine hurt too" georg adds, and i point at him with a nod while looking at bill, who rolls his eyes in return "bill let's take a break" tom suggests, and we all agree as we set our instruments down and walk to a couch, me tom and georg sitting down on it while bill and gustav stand in front of us

"im just nervous, this is our biggest concert yet" bill says, and we all nod our heads "we'll be great, you'll be great. we've been preparing for forever, don't stress" i say softly, and he gives me a small smile and a nod "danke Envy" i smile back at him.

we all go to our respective dressing rooms. and i quickly change into my concert outfit. adding my black nike wristbands and doing some smokey eye shadow to match bills, along with eyeliner, highlighter, and mascara.

(without the sheer sleeve tho) ~~~~~~~~

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(without the sheer sleeve tho)

we walk on to the stage with smiles, and the crowd is huge. we all walk to our respective mics, the three of us picking up our guitars as bill speaks into the mic.

"are you ready new york!?" he yells into the mic, and everyone screams louder. i laugh softly, and when bill turns around to nod at me i nod back before strumming my guitar to the start of scream.

you get up

and somebody tells you where to go to

when you get there

everybody's telling you what to do

thank you

it's been another bloody monday

and no one

is asking why you wanted, anyway

i smile widely as we all play, looking from my guitar to the crowd, before looking at tom and we make eye contact. i wink at him, and smiles, before i take a deep breath and lean towards the mic, singing this part with Bill.

nein nein nein nein nein nein

nein nein nein nein nein nein

me and bills voice flourish's in harmony, and i pause when he sings scream, before following with him in the words after it

scream till you feel it

scream till you believe it

scream and when it hurts you scream it out loud

Playgirl - Tokio Hotel - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now