11 ~ five months later

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"are you guys ready for tour to be over?" "yes and no" i say to Georgs question, shifting around in the airports uncomfortable seats. our last two concerts are in germany, so that when it's over we can just go back home instead of a hotel and a plane ride and all that.

"i'm sad it's over" bill says, and tom and Gustav nod in agreement. "yeah but aren't you tired?" i ask, and bill just shrugs his shoulders. we continue to talk for a few minutes before my phone rings, and i sigh before i realize who's calling. "uhm, i'll be back" i say to the boys as i stand up and walk a few feet away.

"mom?" i ask after i pick up, looking down at my feet. "Evelyn! oh honey when are you back in Germany i want to see you?" i look back at the boys who are whispering amongst themselves "i'm uh, i'm flying back today. we still have two more concerts before tour is over" i explain, messing with my tongue piercing nervously. it's never good if she wants to see me.

she's rambling about how she missed me and i'm only half listening when thankfully they call for us to board the plane "okay, ma, i gotta get on the plane now i'll see you soon." i barely give her time to say bye before i hang up. standing there for a second more before i walk back over to the boys who were grabbing their stuff

"what was that?" tom asks, and i get deja vu to when we were first at the airport before tour, making me smile. "nothing, don't worry about it" i respond with a small smile, grabbing my stuff as well as we all walk to our gate.


as soon as we step out the airport doors i take a deep breath, smiling at the familiar scent that is earthy Germany. not too much later does an all black tour bus pull up in front of it, and we're all quick to pile in.

i sink into the couch with a dramatic sigh, tom sitting next to me with his arm behind me on the back of the couch, and bill georg and gustav are at the table like thing not too far from us.

i lean my head back and close my eyes, technically laying my head on his arm since it's in the way of the couch. "you alright?" tom asks quietly, and i open one eye to look at him to find him staring at me. "yeah. tired from the plane ride" and scared of what my moms wants, but he doesn't need to know that. he nods before moving his arm so it's around my shoulders, making my head lay on his shoulder

"sleep" he whispers, and i don't have to energy to argue, instead just leaning my body against his warm one, and easily drifting to sleep with my head on his shoulder.


the next time i wake up it's because tom is gently saying my name in my ear, and when i open my eyes i realize i in-fact am not asleep on his shoulder, i am now asleep in his lap.

i quickly sit up and groan, rubbing my eyes to try and wake up. "we're at the hotel, let's go" he says, offering me a hand to stand up and i take it, the other three boys already walking off the bus as we grab our stuff and follow them.

me and tom have gotten a lot closer in the past few months, after that song i sung for the twins back in georgia he's been more.. affectionate? i don't really know how to explain other then he's always around me. kinda like a puppy following it's owner.

as the elevator dings on our floor, we all go to our respective rooms. it's currently 2pm, and we have an interview today at 5pm, a concert tomorrow at 8pm, and then a day off, and a concert the day after that at 8pm.

i hum a song to myself as i set my stuff down next to my bed, leaving it all there as i grab my notepad pen smokes and new lighter i just got, it's white with red splatter-like my guitar- and has Envy engraved in it.

Playgirl - Tokio Hotel - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now