7 ~ super model rockstar

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we've all already been back to the hotel and packed our stuff and now we're back on the tour bus. we would've been here for another night if we didn't have a show in next state over- Tennessee - tomorrow night, and i have an interview before that.

we all sit in the main room, the tv on and all of us silent as we watch whatever comes on and eat the McDonald's we got. i'm just picking at my food, grateful that i hurt my left non dominant as i pick up another fry and eat it bored.

"i'm bored" bill speaks up suddenly, and i nod my head in agreement "so bored" i add, making tom roll his eyes with a smile while he looks at us.

i glance at my phone to see it's almost 1am, and although i'm not used to this time zone yet, i know i should sleep anyways. "i'm gonna head to bed, need sleep before that interview tomorrow" i say with a sigh, throwing my trash away, and the four either wave or mutter a goodnight before i go back to my room and lay down, almost immediately falling asleep.


i let out a deep breath as i stand backstage alone, shaking my hands in hopes to calm some nervous as i pace back and forth "ms Evelyn? you're on in two minutes" the stage manager lady says to me, and i nod with a smile at her. i look over myself in the mirror one more time, fixing my top, before walking out of my dressing room.

(amazing fit i found from Pinterest

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(amazing fit i found from Pinterest.)

"She's Envy Belov, and she's a rockstar trapped in a supermodels body!" i hear the interview say, and that's when i walk out, waving towards the small crowd of people along with the cameras as i smile.

"hi!" i say happily after i sit down, using my right hand to shake his left. "Envy i'm so glad you could join us today, how are you?" he asks and i just keep smiling "i'm amazing! thank you for asking" i say, crossing my leg over and placing my hands on my knees.


"okay! are you ready for the questions Envy?" he asks, sitting more forward and i nod with a smirk "absolutely" i match the way he's sitting.

"how would you describe your fans?" "uhm.. super sweet, and lovely, and cute" i say, winking at the camera and the people in the crowd start yelling again making me laugh.

"who is one person that has always supported you?" "my best friend Lina, she's more like a sister to me, and i've known her longer then i've known the kaulitz twins"

"what is your favorite thing about fame?" the fans start screaming again and i shake my head with a smirk "the attractive fans" this only makes them scream louder.

"how is tour going?" "wonderful! we've had so much fun already, uhm, the fans at shows have been nothing but amazing." i smile but it's smaller then the rest, remembering what happened at the hotel. "but i did actually cut myself at the last concert" i say with a small laugh, showcasing my left hand with the two bandaged fingers "ouch, how'd you do that?" he asks and i shrug my shoulders "played guitar too hard i guess" i smirk and they cheer once more.

"do you have any rivals? someone you want to be better than?" i pause, a awkward chuckle leaving my mouth as i run a hand through my hair. "i would say Katy Perry? we all know what she did, and i don't want to better then her, we are better then her" i say confidently, and they scream so loud i felt like i could go deaf.

"who is your celebrity crush?" i smile, messing with my tongue ring as i think about it "hmmm.. avril lavigne? jesse rutherford?" i laugh softly.

"have you ever dated a fan" "oh like a relationship? no. but like one night kinda thing? absolutely and i'll do it again" i smirk when the fans cheer again.

"weirdest fan interaction?" i sigh, thinking about it. "i think just me, without the rest of the band, i had these group of girls following me around the mall like with their boyfriends and then got scared and ran off when i asked them to stop" i laugh as i think back on it.

"how do you deal with haters?" "blow them a kiss they're too scared to ask for" i say before blowing a kiss towards the camera, winking at it.

"does fame ever give you anxiety?" i nod my head "yeah! absolutely, always. i know not only me but all of us seem very confident and sure of ourselves up on stage but we're almost always anxious during our back stage rehearsals."


i fall down on bills bed of his and toms shared room with a loud sigh, making bill laugh as he sits next to me and rubs my back while i lay on my stomach

"how was the interview?" he asks and i let out another sigh. "good, i'm just so tired, and we still have a concert" i say into the pillow, and i feel the bed dip on the other side meaning tom sat down. "you'll be okay" tom says, his hand now messing with my hair. "i cant even play!" i say, flipping over so i'm now on my back

"i'm just gonna be standing there awkwardly on the parts i don't sing i don't even wanna go" i groan, looking at my bandaged fingers "you're so dramatic Envy" tom says, making me hit him and bill laugh at us. "cmon, let's get ready" bill pats my thigh and stands up, as do we.


"how are you doing tonight!" i ask into the mic, standing next to bill, and everyone's screaming. "now i have some bad news for you guys" i say, and slowly everyone stops cheering

"if you didn't see my interview this morning, what are you doing first of all" i joke, making bill elbow me and i laugh softly as i glance at him "i hurt my hand back in North Carolina, so i cant play guitar, but i'll still be singing!" they all scream again as i wave with my injured hand and hold the mic stand with my other.

empty streets

i follow every breath into the night

the wind so cold

the sun is frozen the world has lost its light

i carry your picture deep in me

back to you over 1000 seas

back to us

don't you lose your trust and your belief

just trust me

we have to go 1000 oceans wide

1000 dark years when time has died

1000 stars are passing by

we have to go 1000 oceans wide

1000 against the tide

i lean down the edge of the stage and reach my hand out, we're in between songs and bill is talking about something i'm not really paying attention to. a girl holds my hand and i lean down more to kiss her knuckles, making her and i assume her best friend next to her scream loud enough to break my ear crumbs as i wink and walk back to my mic.

"right Envy?" bill asks into the mic, turning towards me as i stand there like a deer caught in headlights. "i wasn't listening" i laugh nervously into the mic and everyone screams and laughs. bill rolls his eyes and suddenly were playing the next song.

i accidentally posted this early hehe. kinda a filler chapter cuz i really wanted to do the interview!! more tom in the next chapters i swearrr 1200 words mwah bye <3

Playgirl - Tokio Hotel - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now