12 ~ its over

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(imagine all the singing in this chapter is in german cuz they're in Germany now!!)

(imagine all the singing in this chapter is in german cuz they're in Germany now!!)

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(the fit for the concert)

i bounce around the room backstage as i hum the first song of the concert to myself, bill is in the next room doing vocal warmups, tom and georg are tuning their guitar, and gustav is playing the air drums.

"shouldn't you be tuning or warming up Envy?" georg asks, glancing up to where i'm walking back and forth on my phone. "technically yes, but i'm too antsy to sit still" i reply. i check to see if i have any new messages for the hundredth time this hour, but i'm still on delivered.

my ex, Felix, said he would see me today. and when i asked what he meant he just said 8pm, and hasn't answered me since. that means he'll be at the concert, but i don't know if i can handle seeing him while i'm on stage. and i'm not gonna let him ruin my last concert of tour.

i flinch when a hand is placed on my shoulder, shoving my phone back in my pocket to see tom looking at me concerned "you alright? what's wrong?" he asks, and i just shake my head in hopes of clearing my thoughts and to dismiss him. "fine, nothing" i respond, giving him a small smile before walking to my guitar and putting it on to tune it.

after i tune i repeat the same song at least four times, blocking out my surroundings as i do before a hand waves in-front of my face, and i look up to see Gustav smiling down at me. "five minutes, you ready?" he asks, and i smile with a nod, standing up as we walk to the edge of the curtain next to the stage.


"as you all know this is our last concert of tour" i say, slightly swaying side to side with sweat dripping down my face and neck as everyone cheers. we have two more songs till tour is officially over, and i'm so sad.

"we have two more songs, i want you all to be as loud as you can alright? scream it with us!" i yell, the screams getting louder as we start the song, a smirk on my face as i lean back and strum my guitar intently.

i scream into the night for you

don't make it true

don't jump!

the lights will not guide you through

they're deceiving you

don't jump!

don't let memories go

of me and you

the world is down there out of view

please don't jump..

i don't sing much for the song, focusing on my guitar and bathing in the euphoria of being on stage for one last time before we go back home. i look up from my guitar as i play and mess with my tongue piercing when i almost freeze on the spot. of fucking course he's here.

Playgirl - Tokio Hotel - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now