9 ~ free day

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i'm not sure how long i sat on the balcony for, i just know it was long enough for the sun to now be hot on my skin making me want to go back inside. i leave my cigarettes and lighter on the table outside and take my notepad in with me, humming a tune i think would work for it as i subconsciously walk over to my guitar case.

i sit on the edge of my bed with my guitar in hand, electric, but not plugged into an amp since i don't travel with one. i'm strumming it softly, picking out what notes i do and don't want in the song, and my fingers aren't bandaged anymore since they're just sore now.

i finally found a rhythm i wnat when someone knocks on my door, making me groan as i set the guitar down and walk over, surprised to see georg in front of me. "hey, we're all gonna go out. you coming?" i think about for a second as i glance back at my guitar before looking at him and shaking my head "no, i'm gonna stay in. still feel sick from last night" i lie behind a smile, and he nods before walking away as i close the door.

i wait for a few minutes to hear them all in the hallway, and their voices fade as they walk to the elevator before finally disappearing. i smile once they're finally gone and begin practicing my song again, having the idea that maybe i could play it at a concert as a surprise.


i practiced for maybe three hours, writing down the guitar chords and the drums i think should be in the song, which means i have to tell Gustav the great surprised. i pack up my guitar with a wide smiling, my mind racing with possibilities of how this will go when a knock at my door makes me jump "hold on!" i shout out, hiding my notepad in my guitar case before opening the door to a smiling bill.

"hallo" i say with a smile, a bit out of breath, and he laughs at me. "what have you been doing all day?" he asks, walking right past me and into my hotel room "oh yeah come on in i don't mind" i mutter under my breath, following him as he sits on the couch.

"i told you guys i didn't feel well, i've just been in bed" i say, and it's technically not a lie because i have been in bed.. just writing a song. he doesn't know that though. "toms been ignoring me all day" he says, a small frown on his face, and i match his expression "what? do you know why?" i ask as i scoots closer, holding his hand comfortingly as he shrugs his shoulders "no. he won't even tell me what's wrong"

i give him a sympathetic smile as i try to think of why he would be like this, and let out a small gasp when i come to a conclusion "what" "uhm.. you don't think it might be because we made out while dancing at the club?" i ask, and he gasps before nodding slowly as well "he said something about it when i found him in the alley.. i'm gonna go talk to him, don't touch my shit" i say, pointing a finger at him and he raises his hands up in defense.


i hesitantly knock on their door, standing there looking around awkwardly while i wait for him to open it, and when he does his expression immediately drops into annoyed and i frown. "can i- uhm, can we talk?" i ask, and he looks me up and down before rolling his eyes and moving so i can walk in. have i ever mentioned how intimidating the boys are?

"what?" he deadpans, standing in front of where i sit on the couch and i cross my arms to match him. "sit. you're not intimidating me." i say, which was a lie he very well was, but he sits across from me on the couch anyways.

"are you mad at me and bill because we kissed?" i ask, and he glanced away from me, basically answering my question, and i sigh. "look, the kiss didn't mean anything, we were both drunk and heat of the moment kind of thing, and i would never ever play your brother if that's what you're worried about-" i ramble until i realize he's staring at me with a smirk, and i slowly stop talking.

"what?" i ask, now staring at him and he just shakes his head "i'm not mad at either of you" he says, and i smile before he continues "you can do whatever you want, i don't care" i scoff, rolling my eyes at him. he obviously cares. i try to think back to last night when i remember us the alley, and oh my god drunk me should not be allowed to speak.

"you do care, you're jealous" i say with a smirk, watching as his own falls and he shakes his head at me "i told you i'm not jealous" he says, and i move closer to him, now sitting in the middle couch while he sits at the end "you never answered my question" i say, watching how his eyes scan over my body before looking into mine again. "what question?" he asks, and his voice is much quieter now.

"if i had kissed you then, would you have stopped me?" i whisper, intently watching his face for his reaction and i don't miss the way his eyes flicker to my lips.

"yes." he whispers back.

i stand up, knowing he's lying and looking away from him as he continues to stare at me. "okay." i say simply, walking towards the door "i'll tell bill you're not mad at us" i say over my shoulder before walking out and closing the door behind me.

what. the fuck. was that.


"Envy let's go! the bus is waiting for us and we're all waiting for you!" i groan and mumble profanity's aimed at bill who's yelling at me as i grab my suitcase, bag, and guitar case before walking out of my hotel room. "why do you have so much shit?" Georg comments, and i look at him with a sarcastic smile "why are you such a bitch?" he looks at me confused and i just ignore it as we all start walking to the elevator.

once we make it onto the tour bus i'm practically bouncing with excitement, it's already 8pm so the suns set and i cant help but think about playing the song at tomorrows concert. "Envy will you chill the fuck out?" tom asks after i hop around the small listen in the bus for ten minutes. i frown at him. "sorry" i mumble, going to sit before remembering i haven't even told Gustav! i gasp and tap him on the shoulder

"can i talk to you for a second?" i whisper to him, and he nods, following me into my back room in the touch his and i close the door before opening my guitar case, showing him the song and the guitar and drum parts i want, and saying i want to play it at tomorrows concert. he agreed and i almost squeal in joy, pulling him into a tight hug.

i cannot wait.

i realize people say they talk in english a lot in their books cuz english readers but i just feel like it's more realistic to insinuate they're talking german all time cuz they def do 🤷‍♀️ FILLER CHAPTER IM SO EXCITED FOR THE NEXT ONE !! 1300 words mwah mwah mwah bye!

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