2 ~ New York

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once they make it to the hotel ~

we got three rooms. Gustav and Georg in one, Tom and Bill in another, and then i had my own. there was a bit of arguing about how it's not fair i get my own room but once i said i'm the only girl they seemed to drop it. Tom was only upset because now he can't have any flings since he's with Bill. i can though!

it's common knowledge me and tom are the 'players' of the group. he picks up just about any and every girl he can, and i get my fair share of boys and girls, occasionally stealing a girl from tom just for fun. he absolutely hates it. 

by the time we've reached our hotel rooms it's 1pm, but because of the time difference, we all feel like it's 8pm. i'm beyond tired from the long plane ride that i got no sleep on, and wanted to nap, but my phone ringing ruined those plans.

"hey Lina" i speak into the phone, a soft sigh escaping my lips as i lay on my back on the big bed of the hotel room. "hey! you're here now right? i found this mall that is so big we absolutely need to go" i laugh softly. i love how enthusiastic she always is, her and Bill would get along perfectly "yeah i'm here, uhm, okay yeah send me the address let me just tell the boys and i'll meet you there in say.. 30 minutes" i hear her say some version of yes before hanging up and smile to myself as i stand up.

i knock on the twins door, still dressed in the same red sweater, shorts, sock and shoes, but now i have a cross over bag on my shoulder and my phone in hand. Bill opens the door confused before he smiles "hey, what's up?" he asks, glancing at the bag across my body. "i'm going out with a friend, just wanted to let you know so i don't just disappear" i say with my own smile, glancing behind him to see Tom shirtless on his bed. i quickly look away and meet Bulls eyes again. "oh, okay. when will you be back?" i shrug my shoulders "probably later tonight. we should go to a club tonight speaking of!" i say excitedly, rocking back and forth on my feet.

he nods with a laugh and Tom seems to perk up at the word 'club'. "i wanna go to a club" he yells out from the bed and me and bill both glance at him before smiling at each other again. "so, i'll see you later tonight" i say, and he says okay. i give him a kiss on the cheek goodbye and wave to tom before walking down the hall, going for the elevator to finally see Lina again.


"LINA!" i practically scream, and she turns around to see me and we both smile widely "ENVY!" she screams back before crashing in a hug, holding onto each other like our life depends on it.

i'm sure we look weird standing outside of the mall entrance in a bone crushing hug, but i don't think either of us care. "i missed you so much!" i mumble, my voice muffled into her shoulder. "i missed you more! nine years was way too long" she responds and we both laugh as we pull apart.

"okay, we have so much to talk about." i say, grabbing her hand as we both walk through the mall doors. "i know! first tell me more about the boys. i know you've known them for forever now and you're in band but i don't actually KNOW about them" i laugh, nodding my head and going to speak before a group of three girls stops us, and i smile politely at her "uhm, Envy, i'm such a big fan, can we please get a picture?" she says softly, a wide smile on her face and obviously nervous.

"sorry Lina, this will happen a lot, hold on" i say to my friend, and she nods before i turn back to the girl, smiling again "yes of course!" i say happily, and all the girl giggle in excitement. we take a few photos as a group and then i take one individually with each girl before they walk off with a wave, whispering to each other with smiles.

"i didn't know you were THAT famous" Lina says jokingly as i grab her hand and we start walking again. "honestly, it's not that bad for me. you should see when the boys go out" i say with a chuckle, and we continue talking about things as we go in and out of stares, accumulating a mass amount of bags as we do.

Playgirl - Tokio Hotel - Tom KaulitzWhere stories live. Discover now