15 ~ The Day After

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i was at the mall with luna and a few others for maybe three hours, getting back to the house around 5pm. when i left the twins weren't here, but their car now sits in the driveway

"i'm home!" i announce as i set my keys by the door, toeing my shoes off before walking further into the house, finding georg on the couch. "what's up?" i ask, nodding at him in acknowledgement before raising my hands with bags from the mall in them.

"ready for a runway show?" i say jokingly, raising my eyebrows up and down at him playfully until he laughs. "did you buy half the mall?" he teases, making me roll my eyes.

"hey! we want a runway show too" bill says, him and tom emerging from around the corner where i assume they were in tom's room. me and tom make eye contact, memory's from last light flooding my mind and making my cheeks burn in embarrassment.

"well sit down then! im gonna change in ur bathroom tom" i say, knowing there's a bathroom in his room, and i don't feel like going all the way upstairs to mine.

"i'm okay with that" he responds, a little too smoothly, making me glare at him over my shoulder as i walk down the small hallway until i make it to his room.

(pinterest was not on my side for fits guys)

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(pinterest was not on my side for fits guys)

i change into cute low rise jeans and a basic black crop top w skeleton designs, looking myself over in the mirror before coming back out to the three boys sitting on the couch.

"outfit number one" i say, holding my arms out slightly as i spin in a circle before facing them with my hands on my hips. "thoughts?"

"it's cute" georg says "yeah! it's very you" bill agrees, and excited smile on his face that i can only smile back at. tom, on the other hand, is just looking me up and down, arms crossed over his chest and looking as intimidating as ever.

"earth to tomithy, stop staring at me and tell me what you think" i say, sass evident in my tone as his eyes finally meet mine. "i like it" he says simply, small smirk pulling at his lips.

"i hate you" i whisper under my breath, rolling my eyes before turning around and marching back to his room for the next outfit.


it took me just about an hour to show them everything, yet they sat there patiently and said they liked every one. it's actually pretty sweet, but i'd never admit it out loud.

now we're all sitting on the couch watching some movie i'm not even paying attention to. georg is the farthest from me, then bill, then tom, and finally me. i thought it would be more awkward around him after yesterday, but it's really not.

i'm practically sitting on him with how close i am, his arm on the back of the couch as i lean into his side, head on his shoulder and looking down at my phone mindlessly scrolling through instagram. though, if i was next to bill instead of him, i'd probably be just as close.

his arm slides from on the back of the couch to around me, hand resting on my waist. i lift my head to look up at him, raising an eyebrow in question.

instead of answering, he just glances at my lips, smirks, and looks back at the tv, hand tightening his grip on my waist.

i roll my eyes despite the way my cheeks heat up from the simple flirty act, looking back down at my phone while being all too aware of his touch, leaving fiery sparks in its wake.

it doesn't take much longer before i get immensely bored, sitting up and stretching i groan lowly before standing up.

"night boys" i say softly, waving to them as they all mumble some kind of response before walking up the stairs to my respective space. it's just past 9:30 as i close my door, sighing as i sit on my bed, rubbing my eyes.

i look around my room bored before leaning over to open my bedside drawer, pulling out a lighter and prerolled joint. i play a random playlist of music on my phone before sparking up, inhaling just as someone lightly knocks on my door.

"come in" i mumble, smoke coming out with my words before blowing the rest out, unintentionally into the face of whoever just walked in. "jesus are you hot boxing your room?" tom. he closes the door behind him. "shut up, i literally just took my first hit"

i scoot over, giving him room to sit next to me as i take another hit. "i thought you were going to bed" he teases, taking the joint from my lips as he sits down, making my eyebrows furrow in displeasure. i exhale before responding "did you just come here to annoy me or..?" this time he rolls his eyes, ghosting his hit before passing it back to me.

"can't spend some alone time with my favorite girl?" he asks, and although i would normal cringe at some shit like that, i couldn't help but like it. "oh did you miss me?" i tease with a tiny smile as i take another hit, the effects already starting to kick in. i tilt my head back and exhale before climbing into his lap, eyes already hanging low from the smoke, and his hands fall to hips like they were meant to be there.

"yeah, maybe" he whispers, staring up at me with eyes that are admiring and it gives me butterflies i still don't know how to handle. "as if" i mumble before taking another hit but not inhaling, interrupting the rebuttal i know was coming when i place my hand on the side of his neck, leaning close until our noses are almost touching, slightly parting my lips i know he already knew what i was doing as he does the same, inhaling the smoke that leaves my mouth.

i pull back, flipping my hair to one side as i take one last hit for myself before putting it out in a spare ashtray i have on my night stand, looking back down at him his eyes might as well be staring holes into me.

"what?" i ask, thumb gently caressing his skin on his neck. "that was so hot." he says lowly, obviously also high and i chuckle lowly. "yeah?" i mumble, leaning closer with a confident grin as he nods his head, eyes flickering from my lips to my eyes and back.

i press my lips on his, but lighter and definitely for much shorter than he expected, his lips chasing mine when i pull back, making me grin again.

"i'm tired, i'm going to sleep, you stayin or leaving?" i ask, climbing off his lap and standing up to walk to my bathroom, leaving the door open as i just wash my face and start to brush my teeth.

"definitely staying." he responds from the bed. i finish and turn to the light off, climbing into bed with my back facing him it takes merely seconds before his arms engulf my waist and pull me close to him. i don't complain, just accept it as my eyes flutter shut, falling asleep awfully fast.

i know i said new chapter march and it's april but IM SORRY ☹️ anyways here's this! i wrote it in one hour (it's 3am) and it's kinda short but i really wanted to get something out b4 i forgot again. I LOVE YOU TAKE CARE 💞

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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