Everyone is Weird

166 6 1

Date: 28 PST (Post Stasis Time)

"That still freaks me out, it's weird"

The Ritilian placed the crate she was carrying on the floor, standing over the Terran in front of her. Tauress stood at almost 4 ft tall, covered from head to toe in a pattern of green and blue iridescent scales natural to her species. The reptilian had a slightly concerned look covering her short stubby snout.

"What do you mean?"

Joseph was crouched over the container he was securing to the floor, the Terran tightening the bolts with his hand to ensure it wouldn't shift around the cargo bay during transit. Just one of tens of the crates that filled the giant bay they were working in.

"Your hand, the way it shifts around like that."

Joseph stopped for a moment, giving a grin as he raised his left arm to be better viewed by the unfortunate Ritilian. Joseph looked like a perfectly normal human, with the exception of the appendage he was now currently holding up for inspection. The hand was clearly not organic as at the moment the first two fingers had been replaced with a series of interlocking black metallic pieces, ending in a 10mm socket that was currently being used to secure the cargo.

"You mean like this?"

The hand started to shift around, pieces moving in synchronised fashion with a series of almost inaudible clicks, until after a mere second the tool disappeared to be replaced with two fingers that looked, almost natural.

"Yes! Don't do that! Makes me want to throw up!"

"Query: Isn't that just a standard cybernetic replacement?"

The last member of the trio in charge of getting the cargo bay ready for launch spoke up, 'standing' behind a control panel and operating the various pieces of machinery that were sorting the cargo to be secured by the other two. Standing was probably the wrong word, because "Bob" was a Scythen.

A mass of multi coloured tentacles in a rough 2ft diameter were secured to a small hovering disk, bringing the alien up to around 3ft in height. The voice was robotic, replacing the Scythen's natural form of communicating through changing colour, providing something more understandable by most of the galaxy's inhabitants.

"It's still weird." Tauress stated, looking at the cybernetic appendage, subconsciously rubbing her own clawed hand. "The idea of having a machine replacing your flesh... makes my scales squirm".

"I could have had it regrown buuuut" There was a moment as another series of clicks emanated from Joseph's hand, ending with a thin stream of blue fire shooting from what was now a functional plasma cutter. "Biological hands can't do this!"

"Worried statement: Knowing friend Joseph's proclivities, this is not an improvement for everyone else."

"I would never use my powers for evil, you injure my honour Bob!" Joseph gave an exaggerated swoon of insulted feelings, voice filled with sarcasm before turning back to look at Tauress . "Besides, I guess cybernetics aren't really a thing when you can just regrow limbs."

There was a moment as the trio all stopped for a moment, considering how the Ritilian biology would have affected their technology, before it was Tauress's turn to give a large grin at the Terran; showing off a jaw filled with small pointy white teeth.

"It can come in handy, remember your first day."

Joseph stopped smiling and gave a glare back, securing the next crate as he looked across to his friend.

"I remember that you're a dick."

"Interested Query: I've not heard this story before, what transpired?"

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