Our Clockwork Children: Chapter 12

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"Why did you think that was a good idea?! What logical thought could have made you do such an illogical action?!"

The digital voice of Scellestra rang out in anger and worry, the response to the absolute audacity of this organic being stripping all concepts of politeness from the Woolean AI. The rest of the tourists on the striking orange sands of the beach had all stopped what they were doing to stare, tens of Parket, Terrans and another species stopping to look at the swarm of nanobots billowing furiously

"I'm sorry I just wanted to know what it would be like..."

The Parket that was being admonished was a giant bird, around 5ft tall, adorned with striking bright yellow feathers. These were all pressed flat against his body in a show of regret and submission.

"Why would you do such an idiotic illogical stupid action? When you saw the makeup of my being, why would you eat it?"

Once again the Parket shrunk deeper into the blue vest they wore, guilt evident on their being as they stared at the ground. Several of the onlookers had returned to their private activities now that Scellestra's voice had become less angry and more questioning, although a gaggle of curious birds of various colours were still obviously watching the show.

"I saw the little things move around like a bug then I thought 'Hey, I wonder if they taste like a bug'? It didn't, wasn't great, tasted like sand- I know I shouldn't have done it but I didn't think because I was too excited at seeing someone cool like you."

The apology was given in a fast flurry of chirps and squawks; the impulsive bird still ducked down as if they were a fledging being berated by an angry parent, instead of a dumb tourist.

"Scelly, chill dude. The cute little bird said he was sorry. Look how sad the birdie looks!"

The sound of Ivan's voice could be heard from below the conflicting pair. The Terran looked... relaxed. Lying down on a towel on the orange sands, wearing nothing but a pair of Hawaiian shorts and a set of sunglasses, enjoying basking in the beautiful sun and fantastic picturesque weather.

Even ODIN, their AI core lying in the sand next to Ivan, wore a cheap pair of plastic sunglasses to continue the holiday mood.

"Do you not realize how dangerous what this bird did was? I am made up of nanobots, which if a small section of them lose connection, will by default start replication until a proper consciousness can be reformed. This is done using any available material. Including organic."

Upon hearing those last two words the Parket gave a squawk of alarm, feathers billowing out as they stared down at their own belly, as if a bundle of nanobots would explode from it at any moment.

"Oh no, Did I mess up, am I going to die!?"

Scellestra couldn't help but feel a glimmer of enjoyment at the annoying bird finally working out the potential dangers they had put themselves in.

"I immediately disabled the consumed instances. Your actions are still illogical and dangerous though. You effectively swallowed a blender."

"I am so sorry, I'll never do it again!"

There was movement once again as the very relaxed Ivan interjected once more, voice calm and unbothered, possibly due to the half-finished drink of various calming substances. The Terran took a moment to lift up his sunglasses before looking at Scellestra.

"See, everything is fine, no harm no foul, just chill dude..."

The form of the Woolean AI formed into a disapproving crossed-armed bipedal form.

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