Unadvised Adoption

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"Yea, we'll be able to fix 'em right up, some surgery, an amputation and this little dude will be perfectly fine."

He was called 'Spek-Pree-Hirrin the Second, son of Knek-Yu-Hirrin, born on a third leaf under the third moon'... or just 'Spek' to non-Yunni. His voice burbled and gurgled as he spoke, the amphibian slowly climbing up the wall using the sticky pads on the ends of their limbs before depositing the tools back into the drawers built into the wall.

The Yunni were a frog-like species, sitting at around 6ft tall in their normal quadrupedal resting position. A large rotund belly making up the vast majority of their body, resting on top of the giant three fingered pads at the bottom of each of their limbs, each limb providing enough grip and suction to suspect the alien on flat surfaces with ease.

Spek took a moment to lick each of his three deep red eyes, one after the other, before returning to look at the other two figures in the room.

A Terran and a Scythen stood in front of him, both the bipedal ape and the strange colour changing 2ft bundle of tentacles were in their protective clothing that covered them entirely. A necessary precaution for any non-Yunni on the planet; the bright oranges and blues that adorned Spek warned of the extremely toxic nature of the secretions that covered their skin, and by definition most surfaces that the native sapient inhabitants of the planet had touched.

"Calming statement: See, the little creature will be fine, there is no need to worry friend Joseph"

The Scythen called 'Bob' spoke in their species normal electronic voice, the disk they were sat on both hovered 1ft in the air, as well as allowed them to communicate with any species who couldn't understand the colour changing language of the Scythen. In front of Joseph and Bob stood a single examination table, upon which a Gibbie lay.

The Gibbie were a species non-sapient of small 2ft quadrupedal mammals. There was a lot that could be said about them: The large spines that covered their back in unique patterns of blacks and browns could be fired at great force across the room. Claws that were known to demolish stone with ease, jaws with giant fangs that could bite through bone without thought. Even their spit was slightly dangerous, being able to burn through certain types of metal through an interesting chemical reaction.

But the most interesting thing about the Gibbie was their general friendliness, as well as immunity to poisons and toxins, including the ones produced by the Yunni. This had caused the small mammals to become popular pets amongst the amphibians.

Spek worked as a volunteer at the "Littleleaf rescue centre.", a non-profit organisation for the care and treatment of all and any Gibbie, such as the one the two strange people had brought with them. The unnamed pet was currently cradling a mangled front left paw from some unknown accident, occasionally giving a pained sad whine as it lay there pitifully, its bright blue tongue reaching out to taste the air.

"So what's going to happen next with him? Is he going to be ok?"

Joseph spoke in worried tones as he reached out to pet the snout of the creature in front of him. Normally Spek would have warned him not to put an appendage near an injured Gibbie's mouth, but the deathworlder had already ignored his previous two warnings.

"Well he seems to be someone's pet, considering how tame he is, but the lack of collar or microchip suggests the little guy was probably dumped. Happens more often than I'd like."

Spek couldn't help but give a deep bassy croak of disgust before continuing.

"We'll put them up for adoption, but I wouldn't count on it. Even for an uninjured Gibbie the adoption rate is only 10 percent."

There was a pause as Joseph's face scrunched up in worry, eyes starting to water slightly as the Terran asked the confirming question.

"What happens if they don't get adopted?"

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