Collateral damage - Part 12

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"Get away from her, you overgrown pest!"

The chair leg slammed into the side of the head belonging to the Raha, the force causing Lut'har to stumble and the shot he was about to take went harmlessly into the floor. He barely had time to take stock of what was happening before the metal bar slammed into his leg, causing the insured Estorian to fall to the ground.

Behind him, stood the Zorthian, Fluur. It had taken screaming and all his might to pull himself through the narrow passages required to exit his confinement, but in the end he had done so, in the end he'd managed to get here just in time.


Again fluur swung his weapon once more, the cracking of chitin this time sounding out as his beating continued, rage plastered over the Zorthian's face. He was done. He was done with those who had hurt him, he was done with those who were hurting his friends. Weeks of nightmares and fear all bubbled up into a fiery hatred of the being in front of him.













Each word was punctuated with a swing of the bludgeoning weapon, the sound of metal cracking against carapace as more white blood splashed onto the floor. Fluur wasn't a skilled combatant, but Lut'har was already severely injured, and every blow the Zorthian gave was powered with anger, with a desperate need to no longer feel fear against those who had done him and those he cared about harm.


The swing was stopped in mid air as an insectoid like hand grabbed the weapon before it could strike once again, stopping it where it was swung. Fluur tried to pull it back out of the Raha's grasp, before Lut'har wrenched the weapon out of his hands, causing the amphibian to stumble. Slowly and painfully the Raha started to get to his feet, standing to his full hight and staring down at Fluur with a murderous rage

"How dare you, you petulant pest. I am going to skin you alive and-"

Lut'har had been carrying with him a standard issue combat knife, engraved with the holy words of In'tch. The Raha however had been clumsy enough to leave the knife behind inside Amander. At that moment Amander had decided to become a good citizen and had returned the lost property to the Raha by throwing it at him.

The blade had sunk deep into Lut'har's head plates, all the way down to hilt, causing him to stare blankly forwards as his body tried to comprehend the massive amount of damage it had just taken. Mandibles twitched as if the Raha was trying to say something, yet no sound could be heard. This continued for a few moments, as if the insect was going to shrug off such an attack, before he slumped to the ground unceremoniously. Lut'har twitched for a few moments more before finally, at long last, going still.

Fluur stood there in silence, shaking as the intensity of the situation left his body in one go, trembling as all the adrenaline and anger left him. He gave the now dead Raha a final prodding kick, as if expecting the monster to rise back up from the dead like some b-movie villain.

A gurgling blood filled breath snapped the Zorthian out of his stupor as in an instant he rushed over to where Spot lay, giving a shout of alarm as Fluur quickly pulled out the bag of medigel.

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