Collateral damage - Part 6

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"So let's get the admin out of the way, then we can start the treatment."

Spot sat across the table from Fluur, datapad in hand as the doctor looked across to his unexpected patient. The room they were in mostly looked normal, like any other medical examination room across the galaxy. It had a chair, one of those paper lined beds to lie on, cabinets filled with weird pieces of medical equipment that all presumably have a use for some test or ailment.

The one exception was the chamber, pressed against the wall: A metal and glass tube with enough space for an average sized single person to sit or lie down in. Pipes and wires ran from unknown vectors intersecting with the chamber, making the entire thing look less like a piece of cutting edge medical equipment, and more like something you'd find in a crazed scientist's basement.

"So just to confirm: You are Fluur, 4th of his name, son of Guurion, Citizen of the Zorthian Republic?"


Fluur response was the polar opposite of the uplift's: Muted, quiet, unsure. His eyes fixated at a downwards angle towards the table. Spot on the other hand was excited, animated as he talked, tail wagging so fast it was a miracle the Terran didn't take off in flight.

"Do you have any allergies or previous conditions, especially nano-sensitivity, gyoncell allergy, claustrophobia or any genetic modification?"


"Fantastic. So I'll explain what the proposed treatment is, the intended outcomes, and any risks of the treatment. I'll get you to sign some documents , then we can get started."

Spot gave a large goofy smile, continuing through the legally required steps.

"So, the main Terran medical technology is around genetic nanobot manipulation: Both regeneration and Medigel work on this concept of fixing both injuries and ageing at a cellular level. It works extremely well for Terran's because of the sheer amount of effort gone into mapping and documenting practically every genetic strain."

The uplift pauses for a moment to motion towards Fluur, clearly full steam ahead on explaining what Spot had been working on for the past few years.

"This obviously doesn't work for anyone else though. The system sees Xeno DNA and is unsure what exactly to fix, often causing more damage than it fixes: Activating junk DNA or missing the important stuff. That's where our work comes in."

Fluur seemed to perk up a little bit as Spot spoke.It was difficult to not get mentally invested when an expert is explaining something that they're proud of.

"Basically, we can create specific genetic markers on a per person basis, using a standard viral application vector for the genetic modification. In layman terms: It's a custom set of instructions that we insert into your DNA for use by Terran medical technology." Spot took a brief moment to breathe, before continuing.

"While the end goal is to have this as something that can be accessed at any pharmacy, currently it takes about an hour to whip up the custom genetic modifications on a per person basis, to be taken in two 4 hour sessions. Your government maintains excellent medical records so I've already done the first part."

Fluur gave a frown, the confusion perking him up a little bit. While the concept of universal Medigel was amazing, everyone was acting as if they were working with a live hand grenade instead of medical technology.

"If the treatment works as it should, which it will, it should have two effects." Spot continued, tail never stopping wagging and a beaming smile never leaving his face. "Firstly is a complete revitalization of your current biology, any illnesses or injuries being healed, as well as deageing about..."

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