Today You, Tomorrow Me

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Kevin didn't know it yet, but he was about to save the lives of twenty thousand people. He didn't wake up that morning expecting to do such a thing, nothing more exciting planned in his day than picking up a burrito from a local food truck. Kevin would never know the impacts of his actions, he would never meet the people he saved. There would be no songs written about him or stories told of his greatness, and he wouldn't even really remember what he did.

Every storm starts with the flap of a butterfly's wings, every tidal wave emerging from a ripple, and every moment of empathy in the universe starts with a single act of kindness.

Date: 51 PST (Post Stasis Time).

Teresa was not having a good day.

Rain poured down from the heavens as she tried her best to get the vehicle running again, the torrent of water soaking her tiny body as she shivered against the harsh storm raging around her. Hooves, talons and every variety of shoe found in the galaxy thudded around the tiny Kalku, as she tried her best to start the vehicle up once again; puddles kicked up by the foot traffic splashing against Teresa's tiny 6-inch body, leaving her normally sleek black and white striped fur heavy and sodden.

Tiny grasping hands pulled at various pieces of machinery, a little pointed snout with 6 small whiskers covered in grease as she tried to work out what exactly was wrong with her method of transport, using the propped open hood to try and avoid the worst of the storm. From Teresa's position, she could see through the glass window to her five small children still sat inside her now broken transport, restlessly fidgeting and fighting with each other as they stayed safe inside the container while the marsupial outside tried her best to try and restart her vehicle.

In a world where the average species is over 5 feet tall, travelling anywhere as a Kalku with a height of perhaps six inches was a dangerous and harrowing experience; the masses of thundering feet and the great distances between locations made even crossing the street a deadly event. That was why most people of such a size travelled in highly armoured transport vehicles, able to withstand an accidental kick or stomp from practically anything the universe had to offer. This worked relatively well with such individuals...

Until the vehicle broke down in the middle of the street, leaving them stranded.

Teresa slumped over in desperation as the foot traffic continued around her, the vehicle refusing to start no matter what she did with it, both a useless hunk of metal and the only safety she had against the rain and getting trampled underfoot. It was supposed to have been a simple day out with her children, visiting the extensive shopping centres the City of New Angelos had to offer. Now she was stuck with nowhere to go, only a dangerous journey through the crowds of people. There was nobody to call on this planet, nobody who could help, the Kalku were hardly common outside of their home systems.

"Hey, you alright down there?"

Teresa glanced up at the mountain of primate that suddenly towered over her, a full 6 foot tall bipedal figure dressed in a brown leather jacket. They carried both a concerned look on their face and a bag full of burritos from a local food stand. It took her a few moments to remember what they were: A Terran, a giant apex predator that sent a small long forgotten part of Teresa's tiny marsupial brain into an instinctive worry and fear, being pushed away by her more rational sapient thoughts.

"It's my transport. I don't know what's wrong with it, if you know someone who could help, it's too dangerous for my kids to walk..."

There was a moment as the Terran seemed to look inside the vehicle at the five little tiny Kalku pups, all of whom had stopped fidgeting and were now staring up at the giant now looming over them. The primate gave a large smile, giving a small wave at the children inside the vehicle before turning to stare directly at their mother.

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