Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

Oh my God. What do I say?! Okay Alicia, calm down, start with the basics.

“Hey, I’m Alicia Smith, nice to meet you!” That was okay. I may not be obsessed with One Direction but I was still speaking to Harry freakin’ Styles!

“Gorgeous name, do you wanna sit down, or whatever, i don’t mind.” He seemed so shy, it was adorable! Some of the seats on the sofas had cleared as people got up to meet the contestants. As we sat down on the nearest one, our arms brushed past each other sending shivers up my spine and giving me goose bumps. Why have suddenly become so cliché?! The Slags were giving me daggers from across the room as they whispered to themselves.

“So tell me about yourself.” He said quietly.

“Um what do you wanna know?” I hate it when people ask me to tell them about myself. How much are you meant to say?! Your life story? Age? I don’t know!

“Everything.” Wow helpful. I decided to go for the basics, telling him about my family, age, where I live, India. We carried on talking learning loads of things about each other, it was like we’d known each other for years.

Harrys’ P.O.V

“Hey, I’m Alicia Smith, nice to meet you!” Her voice was I felt like I could listen to it all day. She really was gorgeous. I felt like I’d been staring at her for hours, I could feel my face going bright red with embarrassment.

“Gorgeous name, do you wanna sit down, or whatever, i don’t mind.” Oh great, good one Harry. Now she’s going to think I’m a right dork! She smiled sweetly at me so I walked over to the nearest sofa as she followed. I noticed a couple of fake looking girls glaring at us but decided to ignore them. As we sat down our arms touched and I felt something I’d never experienced before. Electricity, I don’t know. But whatever it was made me go even redder then I thought was possible. God, I must look like a beetroot by now. I was surprised she hadn’t upped and left.

“So tell me about yourself.” I’d mean to sound cheery and confident but it came out as some weird whisper thingy. I swear to God this girl will be the death of me.

“Um what do you wanna know?” She was so cute! I like cute girls. I was pleased to see that she seemed nervous, maybe not as much as me (at this point it seems impossible) but still nervous all the same. Was it too forward to say “everything”? What the hell.


By the end of the night it was as if she’d been my best friend for years. We’d told each other so much about ourselves in such a short space of time. I’d noticed loads of things about her, tiny things, which made me, like her even more. The way the she unconsciously twirled the ends of her long brown, curly hair, the way her brown eyes sparkled, and her laugh was amazing and unbelievably contagious! She was funny, gorgeous, kind, everything I looked for.

Alicias P.O.V

He was amazing. Seriously. I’d always liked him and stuff but he was so much more than what you see on T.V. Before I knew it the assistant person had come in announcing that we all had to leave. Me and Harry carried talking and laughing while everyone else filed out of the room. I was so caught up in our conversation that I barely noticed that India was dragging me out of the room. I saw Harry looking bewildered and trying to come after me but the assistant had closed the door and was already ushering us down the corridor and out of the O2. Great. I felt miserable.

“OH MY GOD!! That was so amazing! I was talking to Liam and Louis loads!! And Matt was so nice too! Did you have fun?! That was the most amazing night of my life!! What’s up?” She stopped squealing for long enough to notice that I was dragging my feet trying to disguise how sad I felt.


“Tell me. I know when you’re upset.”

“Well me and Harry were getting along great. Like, really great. Then someone came along and dragged me away before I could even say bye...or anything.”I’m not even sure why I was so upset, I didn’t expect him to actually ask for my number or anything.

“Who?! I’ll kill whoe... oh. I’M SO SORRY! If I knew how much you liked him I would never’’s just that guy was getting angry!”

“It’s fine don’t worry I don’t think Harry liked me much anyway.”

Harrys P.O.V

We were getting along even better than before but when I was doubled over from laughing so much I felt the sofa shift. I looked up to see Alicia’s’ friend India dragging her away and an angry looking Greg shutting the door on the girl I’d dreamt about meeting for so long. I just sat there staring into space. I didn’t even get to ask for her number. I could feel a lump rise in my throat.

“What’s up mate?” Liam asked me. He was so kind. He looked worriedly at me. I managed to choke out

“Nothing, I’m fine.” He gave me a knowing look.

“Fine, it’s just that girl I was talking to, I kind of liked her and I didn’t even get her number and now I’m never gonna see her again.”

“I’m sure you...oh! It’s that girl you’ve been stalking on twitter for ages eh?!” Oh my god. I felt so stupid.

“TWITTER!” I can’t believe I was almost crying at the thought of never meeting her again when there was the solution under my nose the whole time. I whipped out my iPhone and logged on to twitter, found her and clicked the follow button.

Alicias P.O.V

Me and India were on the train home with her feeling ecstatic and me feeling thoroughly depressed. I felt a vibration in my pocket and took out my phone and saw I had a new twitter follower.

@Harry_Styles is now following you.


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