Chapter 18

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A/N: I know you've probably had enough of A/N's but please read the one at the end! Enjoy! 


“So you’re going to Harry Styles’ house...and meeting his parents...and his sister...and you’re going with Harry Styles?”

“Yes- I’m going to Harry Styles’ house, with Harry Styles believe it or not.” It was Friday, the day I was getting the train to Holmes Chapel and staying with Harry for the weekend. He rang me earlier in the week saying that there had been a change of plans and he was now spending the weekend in his hometown, ergo that meant that I would be meeting his parents. I hadn’t told my friends until now and as they all stared me down with incredulous, astonished faces I realised I’d made the right decision by waiting to tell them, instead of putting up with their excitement all week.

“Wow, I mean- wow. You guys are really getting serious huh?” Coming from Sara, whose longest relationship was about 2 weeks, this wasn’t that much of a compliment. Despite this, she was right. We’d been dating for a few months and he’d already pretty much woven his way into my family. My parents adored him, constantly telling me to invite him over for dinner, and James was pretty much obsessed with him. It would be hilarious if it wasn’t mutual.

“I guess, but, I mean- we’re not rushing into this or anything. We’re both pretty happy with the way things are right now.”

“Yeah but, how far have you gone? ‘Cause, you’ve heard the rumours right? Harry isn’t exactly virginal.” I could tell Sara didn’t mean any harm but it still annoyed me that my friends would judge Harry on what they’d heard from magazines.

“Whether that stuff’s true or not, our relationship doesn’t depend on how much sex we are or aren’t having and it definitely doesn’t have anything to do with magazines who write heaps of shit cause they want money.” By the end of my speech my voice had risen and I was staring hard at all of my friends as they stared back with looks off shock. It wasn’t often that I got mad.

“I’m sorry guys, it’s just our relationship already feels so much like it’s not me and Harry but me, Harry and his army of fangirls. I hate thinking of all the magazines and paparazzi that are so invested in his life as well.”

“We get that Licia. But are you sure it doesn’t have more to do with the fact that you’re scared of going further with him? ‘Cause you seem pretty defensive about it.” Louise was staring at me with wide, anxious eyes and I instinctively felt myself deflate and tell her everything.

“Okay, so you may be slightly right. We’ve made out and kind of grinded, but not really, in Zayn’s kitchen.” My friends all laughed at this. “And I know that we’ve only been dating for a few months so there isn’t really any pressure but it’s Harry, you know? He could get anyone- literally- but he’s with me and I just don’t wanna disappoint him.”

They all looked at me with sympathy now.

“Look, Alicia- we may not know Harry very well but he seems to really like you. It would be a shame to mess this up just because you’re insecure about having sex with him because he could have all the supermodels he wanted.” Bless India; despite the fact that her words should have technically made me feel worse they surprisingly offered me comfort.

I ended up bursting out laughing, laughing harder when they all joined in. We sat there laughing hysterically, bent in half and pointing at each other until the end of the day bell went and I gathered my stuff, ready to go home, get my weekend stuff and spend the weekend with the Styles’.

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