Chapter 5

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I got home really late so I went straight to bed, thankfully I don’t have school tomorrow so I’m just going to spend all day in my PJ’s!  I’m such a cool kid. I snuggle further into my duvet and start to nod off with a huge smile on my face; I’ve had an amazing day!


I wake up to the sound of my younger brother, James, laughing his head off. What’s going on? I get up rubbing my eyes checking my phone. 11am. That’s not that late, at least I’m up before midday! I make my way downstairs to see my brother sat watching SpongeBob.

“Mornin’James” I said to my brother ruffling his hair.

“Get off, Alicia!” James chuckled. I smiled down at him before I started tickling him. I really do love my brother! “Alicia!…… Stop……I … cant….. Breath!” he said between laughing. His arms were flapping about and he looked hilarious.

“Alicia! Let your brother go!” my mum shouted from the kitchen. I could practically visualise the smile that was probably on her face. I chuckled once more before freeing my brother and sitting down next to him. What, I like SpongeBob too! My brother moved to sit on my lap and we stayed like that until SpongeBob had finished and Mum called us for lunch.

 “Comin’!” me and James shouted back.

“Can you carry me?”James asked.

“No way, James! Your break my back!” I joked whilst pushing him off and standing up. I turned round and James jumped on my back. Looks like I’m carrying him anyway! I laughed as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I made my way into the kitchen putting James in a seat at the table, then taking my own. We joked about until Mum placed food in front of us and then we were silent as we ate. I didn’t realise how hungry I was. I guess I hadn’t eaten for ages, thinking about it.

Suddenly everything from yesterday came flooding back. Harry talking to me. Pictures being taken. Harry following me on twitter.

 I just wanted to get upstairs now and go on my laptop. I had to go on this website to get the pictures that were taken last night. We were all given a code that we had to enter and then it would bring all the pictures that we were in up. I also wanted to check my twitter. I finished my lunch saying thanks to mum and then placed my plate in the sink.

I practically ran up the stairs. I’m really excited, I’m not sure why, it’s not like harry would’ve have tweeted me or that there will be any decent pictures of me (or us). I turned on my iPod and ‘Animal by Neon Trees’ came on. I sat on my bed, turning my laptop on. The card with my code on was on my bedside table next to my phone. I checked it and then sent a text to India thanking her for last night. My laptop finally loaded and I went onto the website, after typing in the code, it brought up a load of pictures. I couldn’t help but smile as I looked through them. There was the main one which you had taken with everyone and then there was another one with me and One Direction. I was stood in the middle and harry had his arm wrapped around my waist. I printed that one out. I looked through the rest, most of them were of me and harry sat on the sofa laughing and talking. I printed a couple of them out as well. I guess I did spend most of the night talking to him. I was scrolling through a couple more when I stopped at one. Harry’s arm was around my shoulders and I was looking up at him smiling shyly, him looking down at me with the same grin that he usually wore.

 That’s so cute!

Wait a minute… That’s me with HARRY STYLES!!!

I couldn’t believe that that was me there, smiling at harry like we had known each other for ages. My cheeks started to warm up as I thought of that exact moment, the way his green eyes looked into mine as we talked, just the two of us. I printed it out. I realised that I didn’t have any pictures with the other contestants, just Harry and I. Not that I’m complaining! I stuck the pictures on my wall; it also had other pictures of me and my friends on, smiling broadly at the ones of Harry and I (which was most of them), I stood back to look at the wall. Suddenly my door flew open with a bang.

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