Chapter 21

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"Are you all packed then gorgeous?" I was currently on the phone to Harry whilst in bed, cocooned in my quilt with the phone pressed tightly to my ear. 

"Harry,we're going tomorrow, of course I've packed!" Harry and the boys were picking me and James up tomorrow morning so we could spend a few days at Alton Towers. Hence why James was currently jumping on his bed at half ten at night singing "I'm going Alton Towers, hey!" (currently verse five).

"Oh my god. JAMES SHUT UP OR ELSE WE AREN'T TAKING YOU WITH US!!" I swear to god, that boy is mental.

"Uh uh, Harry invited me- not you- it's up to him whether I come!" I could hear Harry chuckling in my ear, not even attempting to hide his amusement.  

"Harry," I whined unashamedly "He's being an annoying little twat-"


"Shut up- if you had him as a little brother you'd be swearing too." Harry laughed again, the kind of laugh you could just tell made his eyes crinkle and his mouth open wide.

"I'm going to Alton Towers- yeah that's right! Wooo yeah!" James was still jumping on his bed, making enough noise to wake the dead.

"James, I hope you die a slow, painful death you little fuc-" At that moment James walked into my room, clearly still hyper.

"I wanna talk to Harry!" That was the only warning I got before he snatched the phone from my hands and started talking frantically to Harry. After a few monents I could hear Harry telling James he needed to sleep so he wouldn't be tired tomorrow. Thank god for Harry. James said his goodbyes to Harry, handing my phone back and traipsing back to his own room. 

"Ugh, thank you so much- I owe you."

"Mmm, I know a few ways to can pay me back..." I could practically hear his leer though the phone. Despite his cheesy line I couldn't help the shiver that ran through my body at his husky tone. I cleared my throat lightly, hoping my voice wouldn't show the effect he was having on me. " as that sounds I should really get to sleep too- early start tomorrow!" "Sweet dreams then babe. See you bright and early!" I couldn't wait.


"I'm tired."    

"Probably because you stayed up until half ten, now hurry up, the boys are waiting!" The boys were waiting in the seven seater; Louis and Liam in the front, Harry, Zayn and Niall in the back. We said goodbye to our parents and climbed in the back, James in between Niall and Zayn and me next to Harry.  

"Hey beautiful." Harry put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me in for a kiss. After a minute we could hear the boys cat calling and wolf whistling so we reluctantly pulled away, settling for cuddling.

"Off we go then children!!" Louis' shout was met by cheering from all of us and the beginning of Zayn's "Roadtrip playlist".


*Half an hour in*   

"Are we there yet?"   


*five minutes later*   

"Are we there yet?"   


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