Chapter 6

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Alicia P.O.V

Two weeks. Two freaking weeks and not a single text or tweet. I mean, I know we’re not going out and I guess we couldn’t actually be called friends- we’ve only met each other twice- but c’mon! It’s been two weeks and Harry hasn’t contacted me when he’s been tweeting other people left right and centre! To think I actually thought he liked me.

Unfortunately, today’s Monday- meaning that I have to go to school, pretending to be fine when inside I feel like someone’s twisting my guts around. Walking through the school gates is never fun but today I feel like someone’s going to have to literally drag me through them. I walk into my form room and walk over to my group of friends.

“Hey! Ooh you don’t look so good, are you okay?” Anna’s so sweet.

“Yeah, you look like shit!” Ah Sara. So lovely. But, to be honest that was one thing I loved about my friends- we were all so different.

Anna’s short at just 5 foot 2 with mousy brown, poker straight hair and big, brown, innocent eyes. She was probably the nicest (although very shy) person you could ever meet- she cared about everyone, and always put others before herself.

Then there’s Sara. She was extremely tall at 5 foot 11 and a half, slim and toned, with firecracker red hair and smouldering blue-green eyes. Her hair colour mirrored her personality- the most confident and boisterous of us all. She was always the one with a boy hanging off her arm although she never let it go to her head- even if she was stunning.

Next is Sonny. She was hilarious! She had short black hair that fell in waves to just above her shoulders and piercing green eyes. She was of average height- 5 foot 6- and slightly on the stocky side. Her quick wit and comedy genius made her probably the funniest person and most enjoyable person to be around- with her infectious smile and laugh that lit up her face it was impossible not to smile around her.

Then, of course, is India. She was around 5 foot 6 too with tanned skin that she inherited from her Cyprian family. She had deep brown eyes with matching hair that had various highlights added. She was beautiful and hilarious- even if she was a bit too obsessed with boy bands. She was my best friend.

Lastly, is me. I look similar to India really. I have dark brown, curly hair and brown eyes; I’m of average height and have a slim body from dancing. I’m mixed race so my skin colour is similar to India’s. I’m pretty bubbly and get on well with most people unless I don’t know them well.

We were all so different, yet when we came together it was like we were born to be best friends.

“What’s up? They’re right you know- you don’t look to good.” India pulled me aside, eyes concerned.

“He hasn’t texted me. Or tweeted me. Or contacted me in any way, shape or form. I know he didn’t promise but he said he would and I actually thought tha-“ India cut off my rambling with a light slap to face.

“Oh my God- shut up! Get a grip on yourself woman!” She’d grabbed me by the shoulders and begun shaking me vigorously with a crazed look on her face.

“O-okay, y-you ca-an s-sto-p!” She let go of me with a satisfied look just as the bell went. We gathered our stuff and me and Sara said goodbye to the others as they went to business studies and we went to history.

Sara linked our arms together and began talking about The Woman in Black- which she’s seen with her boyfriend Josh.

“I was so scared, I genuinely thought I was gonna have a heart attack! And, I thought it’d be good having Josh there ‘cause he could protect me but nooo, he was too busy shitting himself to worry about me, but-“ She was cut off by my phone vibrating in my bag. I fished it out and proceeded to almost drop it a second after I’d read the text.

“What is it? What’s wrong?” I showed her the message as her eyes grew to the size of saucers and her mouth gaped open.

“Hold the fuck up!! I thought you were shitting us when you said you got Harry Styles’ this is so incredible , oh my god, I can’t breathe. Text him back, text him back!” She continued rambling as I re-read the message to make sure I wasn’t making it up.

Hey Alicia, so sorry I haven’t text or anything but I’ve been so busy with the tour! Zayn is visiting his family- you live in Bradford right?- so we’re all coming down too, fancy going cinema? ;) Reply soooooon!!! :D Hazza xxx P.S The boys say hi ;D


Harry P.O.V

Oh God, I sound like an idiot. Why did I send that? WHY GOD, WHY?! I haven’t spoke to her in two weeks and then I suddenly text and think she’ll still wanna go out with me? Smooth.

“Why the long face mate?” Niall walked over and slouched down on the sofa next to me. “She not text you back yet?”

“No, she hasn’t but it’s only been- what?- two minutes? She may have not even seen it. But, what if she has? And she’s just ignoring me? I’m just gonna curl up and die. DIE I SAY!” I started burrowing into the sofa cushions while the boys chuckled and sent me disbelieving looks.

“Chill out- she was all over you when we saw. I bet she text back like, right now-“ My phone buzzed from where it was on the arm of the sofa. We all stared. And stared. And stared. And SCRAMBLED! We all dived in at the same time and ended up in a heap on the floor, fighting over the phone which surely enough had a new message from Alicia <3.

“It’s my phone, my message, my girlf- I mean my friend. Get off!” I managed to escape, running out to the nearest toilet and locking myself in. I opened the message.

Hey... Hazza ;) Yeah, that’s be great, just say when and where and I’ll be there! And, no problem- hope it’s all going well. Speak soon :D xxx p.s- tell them I say hi back ;D

“YES!” I celebrated the text with a victory dance that consisted of body popping and booty shaking. “Oh yeah, she text, oh yeah, bring it!”

Wow, never doing that again.


A/N- Okay, firstly thank you so much for those of you who’ve given us feedback and reviews- it means so much to know you’re enjoying it!

Secondly, we cannot apologise enough for how late this chapter is. We’ve had a lot of personal stuff going on and we’ve just started our GCSE’s so we’ve been pretty snowed under and stressed!

Thirdly, the next chapter will be up soon!

Forthly, I went to the Up All Night Tour (3rd row! Camping out paid off!) did anyone else? It was absolutley amazing! I cant put into words how great it was! Anyway I came so close to meeting them but didnt! :( I'll post a video on the side to show you just what I mean!

Thanks again, feel free to message and talk to us- whether it’s about the fanfic or not! We love talking to you guys! :D

All the best everyone!! :D 

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