Chapter 8

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Harry turned to look at me a cheeky grin on his face. “Well it looks like we got in for free then!” he took my hand as we started to walk through the isle between the seats in the room.

“Yeah, the perks of being a superstar.” I said to him as he led the way to the back row. “Oh sitting in the back row are we?” I said cheekily giving him a wink.

“Well yeah, what did you expect? Teenage couple, cinema, its kinda predictable.” He said whilst smiling at me. He sat down on one of the seats, gesturing for me to sit on the other.

“Oh so what are you expecting to happen then styles?” I asked, sitting down and giving him a knowing look.

“Well, we’ll just have to wait and see, wont we?” he said whilst lifting up the armrest in-between us and putting his arm around my shoulders. I leant into him without a second thought, breathing in his musky scent and a smile appeared on my face.

“Yes, yes we will.” I mumbled as the lights dimmed and the trailers came onto the screen.

To be honest I wasn’t really watching the film. I couldn’t concentrate on the drama going on in the movie. I mean come on; I had one of the hottest guys ever sitting right next to me with his arm around me. I felt so happy and I couldn’t keep the smile off my face. I also kept glancing up at harry, just to make sure that I wasn’t dreaming, it just all seems unreal to think that one of the most talked about guys in the UK , is now sat with me on our date. I am so lucky.

I glanced up again, this time to find harry staring down right back at me. I blushed at being caught looking and he smirked at me, I smiled back timidly. He started leaning in towards me and my heart beat picked up at the thought of what was coming next. Oh god! Oh god! I’m about to kiss Harry Styles! Harry Styles! Harry frickin’ Styles! What do I do? What do I do?

I’ve only kissed one other person and that was at my last school disco and I don’t even know what he was called! Harry’s probably kissed loads of girls! Probably a lot of famous girls as well! Okay, breathe Alicia, breathe. Just relax and go with whatever feels natural.

Harry’s eyes were looking into mine as I leant forward just a tiny bit to close the small gap between our lips. I closed my eyes as they met. I only just registered the fact that Harry’s hands were now on my waist pulling me onto his lap, as we got into the kiss.

This kiss is amazing.

I swear I’m seeing fireworks. Again how cliché do I sound right now? I really don’t care though. I put my arms around his neck, my instincts taking over me. I’m not usually this forward, I thought to myself. I felt harry smile and I smiled to as I opened my eyes to see him do exactly the same.

“Well, I see everything worked out how it supposed too.” Harry smirked, hugging me closer to him. I swear I was going to die. My heartbeat was probably through the roof! I hope he couldn’t feel it.

“Breathe Alicia, breathe. Your hearts going nuts!” harry said chuckling to himself.

“Oh shut up Hazza!” I said ducking my face into his chest.

“Aw babe don’t worry about it. My hearts beating just as fast.” I could feel his heart through our tight embrace; it was beating faster than usual, but not as much as mine. I looked at him smiling, so glad that he couldn’t see my blush in the dim lights. He’s so sweet when he’s trying to make me feel better. I could only just make out the smile on his face from the flicker of lights coming off from the cinema screen.


“Yes, Alicia?”

“Shut up” I said simply giving him a peck on the lips, then turning back to watch the last 5 minutes of the film, still sat on his lap with his arms around me. I sat there with a huge grin on my face, resting my face on his chest. I keep replaying the kiss over in my head.  Harry chuckled slightly making his chest rock a bit and kissed my forehead. My forehead tingled where his warm lips had just been.

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