Chapter 15

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Harrys POV

I woke up and looked down to see Alicia still enclosed safely in my arms our legs now tangled together.  God she was beautiful. I softly stroked her hair tucking it behind her ear, careful not to wake her as I memorised her features; her cute nose, those rosy red cheeks, her soft lips before I had realised my fingers were tracing the curves of her lips. I froze as they parted slightly and she released a sigh snuggling further into my chest, my arm instinctively tightening round her like second nature.  I could stay like this all day. I closed my eyes burying my head in her neck once again.

I was nearly asleep when I heard a tiny knock at the bedroom door. I wonder who that could be. The door slowly creaked open, a head popping timidly around the corner.


“You alright bud?” I whispered to him. He was looking at Alicia and me, assessing the situation.

“Umm...Hazzy will you come play with me? Pwetty please!” He asked swinging off the side of the door slightly; I noticed he was still in his Doctor Who pyjamas.

“Sure Jay, just give me a minute and I’ll be in alright?”

“Yeah! I can’t wait! I’ll get everything out!” He had ran off before I could tell him to keep quiet, I’m not sure if his parents are awake yet. Actually what even is the time? I reached over to the bedside table picking up my phone and checking the time, 8:03am, my background was still the picture of Alicia and me on our first date (she still doesn’t know about the picture of us kissing). I gave Alicia a kiss on the cheek before reluctantly untangling myself from her gently and making my way out of the bed. I draped the duvet over her and made my way over to my clothes, pulling on my jeans and T-Shirt, I then picked up my phone and silently made my way to James’ room where I could hear the clutter of toys banging together. I pushed the door open and James grinned seeing me there. This might sound really sad but it actually means a lot to me knowing Alicia’s family accept me; even the acceptation from her seven year old brother meant the world to me. I love this kid, I really do.

“So what are we gunna play then Jay?” I asked taking a seat next to him on the floor crossed legged.

“Well first we can play Doctor Who and then we can play Lego and then we can draw and then—“

“Wow, hold up a second little man, don’t forget to breathe!” I cut him off jokingly, he grinned up at me his eyes sparkling with anticipation. “Okay so I guess I’m Rose Tyler again and you’re Doctor Who, right?”

“Yep!” he nodded at me picking up the figures and passing Rose to me.

We played Doctor Who for an hour and it wasn’t until Alicia came in taking pictures of the two of us and exclaiming about how cute we were that James but down the figures and started to argue with her.

“I am not cute. I am manly, like Hazzy.” He stated standing up, hands on hips. I smirked at Alicia from my place on the ground, she saw my look and a pink tinge was brought to her cheeks and I couldn’t help but chuckle causing her to scowl at me playfully.

“No no James, Harry is not manly and neither are you, you’re both adorable little people.” She answered back to him.

“Little?“ I scoffed.

“I’m not little am I Hazzy? I’m a big boy like you!” James was starting to get a bit worked up and I could tell that Alicia had noticed it as well. This is my cue.

“Of course not Jay! However I think Alicia needs to realise that I am not little either...” I trailed off looking at Alicia with mischievous eyes. She backed up to the door looking at me perplexed as I stood up and advanced towards her.

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