Chapter 24

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Alicia’s P.O.V

“HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ALICIA, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!! WAKE UP BIRTHDAY GIRL!” Waking up on my 16th birthday by my little brother jumping on me wasn’t exactly what I had in mind, but seeing as Harry was stuck in Holmes Chapel and unable to make it to my birthday celebrations I guess this would have to do.

“Thanks James. Where’s my present then?” I winked at him. To my surprise he did actually have a messily wrapped present hidden behind his back. He handed it to me with a wide smile, waiting in anticipation for me to open it. I opened the present, revealing a macaroni pasta and glitter photo frame that James had clearly made. In the frame was a picture of me and Harry at Zayn’s house. We were kissing, my hands in his hair and his large ones gripping my waist. Now that, that was good kiss.

“I made this for you- even if it is an icky picture.” James said pulling a disgusted face. I pulled him down into a tight hug, burying my face in his neck to try and hide the fact that I was getting kind of emotional, my eyes welling up.

“Thanks bro, it’s amazing.” I put the frame on my bedside table, next to a family picture of all of us in Spain. At that moment both of parents walked in holding a cake with a 16 candle in it. They began singing happy birthday, Jay joining in again. Before I could blow out the candles Jay stopped me, telling me I had to make a wish.

Before blowing out the candles I thought Please can me and everyone I love have a happy healthy year.

I couldn’t wait to get on with the rest of my birthday- it was going to be great.


The doorbell rang just as I was about to start opening my parents presents. I’d had a shower and eaten my Birthday Breakfast (it was an important tradition in our house- hence the capitalisation) and we were now in the living room, me and Jay tearing open my presents from various relatives. I also had a call from Anne and Gemma wishing me Happy Birthday and promising me that they would take me shopping next time I was in Holmes Chapel. However the only person I really wanted to hear from and still hadn’t was Harry, not that I didn’t appreciate everything else.  

“Go get it Alicia, it’s probably for you.” At my dad’s words I got up, opening the door to reveal Zayn, standing with a bunch of presents in his arms and a blinding smile on his face.

“Happy birthday, sweetheart!” I flung my arms around his neck, laughing ecstatically.

“What are you doing here?! I thought you had family time or something?!” I asked him confusedly. I’d told all the boys that they were welcome to come and visit today seeing as they weren’t working at the right now but Niall was in Ireland, Louis in Doncaster and Liam, Wolverhampton. Harry was also stuck at Holmes Chapel, unable to get away. I remember how sad he was when he told me.

“I’m so sorry babe, you have no idea.” Harry said over the phone. I could imagine how he would be running his hand through his curls right now.

“Harry, I’ve told you a million times- it’s fine, honestly!” Despite my regular reassurances Harry was still beating himself up over not being able to make my 16th birthday.

“But we had all those plans! I was gonna sleep round the night before and wake you up and be the first person to wish you happy birthday then we were gonna go to the bungalow and... Celebrate.” Even though Harry has said it in the politest way possible I still found myself blushing at the suggestiveness of his tone.

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