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I was shoved to the side and the whistle blew. "Watch it Calcium!" Channing screams. He's what you can say is the bully of the school. He's smart though, very athletic, and get this, pretty fucking gay.

I don't have a problem with that of course but I know because I saw him kissing his friend Darren a year ago late after practice. Probably why I get handled by him everyday to make sure I keep my "puny little lips" shut.

I grunt and groan, grabbing my glasses from the grass. Red and white cleats stopped in the front of me and a shadow covered me from the sun.

Coach Barnard.

"Get the hell up Neil before I toss your ass to the serpants tonight!"

I should change to soccer. Football is doing me in.

"Yes coach." I held out my hand for his help but he just walked off. He's always like that. He's like the cool deadbeat dad everybody just has in their lives. And there's never a dull moment. Strange, I know.

"Everybody take five!" He screams, blowing his American flag whistle. A man of the country.

I finally stood to my feet and brushed myself off. A hard hit came to my shoulder and I glanced back.

Channing. "Let's go Neil, shower time."

And by shower time he means having me pinned against the wall of the shower as he, Chester, and Buddy, give me a shower of punches.

We reached the locker room and I'm shoved into the lockers to the left. Just a normal day for someone like me.

But, I enjoy the pain. And I keep my guard up just in case they try anything.

"Strip." Channing didn't care about how many people saw or who was there watching, once it wasn't any of the adults. And the students here don't care either. Same goes for me, I don't give a shit how weak they think I am.

Just no funny shit and I wouldn't have to actually kick anyone's ass.

I dropped out of my clothes, holding my snarky comments to myself. If I really want a beat down I speak what's on my mind.

Then again I'm bored as of now; a brutal beating would be nice right now, no?

I smirk as I hear the showers turn on. "Faggot." The moment that word left my mouth I was on the floor tasting my own blood.

I'm in for it now.

"The fuck did you just call me?!" A kick to the stomach. I'm pulled up from the floor and slamed against the wall. Cold water poured over me and I'm held by the arms.

Same old same old, however, due to Mr.Potty mouth, starring me, I'm in for a lot.

And a lot I got. As Chester and Buddy held my arms so I won't defend myself, Channing beat the absolute crap out of me.

He's a buff guy. Hits the gym ever chance he gets and he's early on protein. Those abs that girls drool over shouldn't fool them though, this man is a wolf in sheeps clothing.

"You talk to me like that again, I'll pull your tongue out femboy." Channing let my hair go and they left. It had been an hour of that and now I'm the only one here.

I sighed and grabbed my glasses from the wet floor. The blood was washed off and I stood to my feet and turned the showers off. I stepped out and went to my locker.

I grabbed my shirt and dried off with it before getting dressed in something different. I dried my glasses and then my hair.

I left my face to air dry since I know I'll only bring myself more pain. I left with shortly after and made my way to my personal locker.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒚Where stories live. Discover now