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I sat in the back with Calum and continued to praise me as he rubbed circles on my back as I sat on him. With the AC and having cried I nearly fell asleep.

I didn't like how we fought, it was terrible. I don't ever want to do that again. When Channing pushed me to the floor I just broke. I get that he doesn't want to be seen with us but pushing me to the floor was a bit much.

"We're here." Channing says. I hear him put the car in park and turned the ignition off. I raised my head, noticing that the sun is nearly set.

I got off of Calum and he kissed me. I smile faintly and got out of the car. I had to take those heels off because they were aching me. Channing got out and looked at me.

"I didn't mean to push you that hard. I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I mutter. It's good that he apologized at least. The breeze blew and I felt cold. I glanced around noticing that this isn't exactlt a beach, but a lake.

There are trees on the other side and a few on our side, going all around to connect.

"I thought we were going on the beach."

"Well we would but the lake's more quiet and there's zero chance of people walking up to us if we decide to do anything. And, there's a deck we can sit on." He explains. Channing walked up to me and threw his arm over my shoulder, pulling me in.

He smells amazing and I felt warm upon him doing so.

"If Crystal is still giving you a hard time at school, just ask her when's the next appointment." He explains.

"The next appointment?"

"She's a baby killer, and she's having sex with most of her teachers."

"How do you know that?"

"Saddly she's my cousin."

"Cousin?" I look to my left to see Calum next to us. His bag is over his shoulder and he's carrying a duffle bag in his other hand.


"W-this entire time she was your cousin?"

Channing sucked his teeth. "Why does it matter."

"Cause I had sex with her before."

Silence. Channing said nothing after that and to be honest it was a bit worrying.

We reached the dock which was like an unfinished bridge to get to the other side. And just one step too close to the edge we'd fall off.

Calum set the things down and began taking stuff out of his bags. Like sheets and pillows. He fixed them and Channing began stripping out of his clothes.

He really doesn't mess around when it comes down to it. However, that wasn't the case because he jumped in water. Calum just focused on the sheets that he brought.

I took a seat on the edge of the dock and watched looked out for Channing. I gazed at the water and noticed a transperant coat of fog, but no Channing.

I glanced back at Calum and he began taking out a few other things. Like lube, the only thing I caught, and are those candles?

I looked back at the water and still no Channing. I was officially worried.

"C-Calum?" He looked at me. "I don't know where Channing is." He frowns. I looked back at the water and just as I did a huge splash came up and something grabbed my leg making me scream.

A laugh followed and I exhaled heavily. I glance down to see Channing laughing his head off. I got up and crossed my arms.

"That was not funny you asshole."

"Don't be a party shutter snow. Get in, the water is cold as fuck."

"I'm already cold and I can't swim." I confess lowly. Channing propped himself on the edge of the deck and sighed.

"Calum's getting in." He motions. I gazed back at Calum and he's stripping out of his clothes too. He walked up and Channing pushed himself away from the edge. Calum gave me his glasses and I took it.

He dove in after, splashing a bit of water up. I smiled and watched them. They just swam about. Channing came up behind Calum and said something to him.

I felt a stir inside of me and I got turned on. Their video made thousands of views, maybe even surpassing the other ones Calum had up. Watching Channing stroke him was hot.

But I wonder what they would look like fucking each other. Is that too much? I'm not sure Calum would even agree to doing that.

"Ah!" I looked at them and Channing is pulling at his roots. Channing moved away from him and swam over. He pulled himself up, getting out of the water. His body is so perfect, honestly anyone would kill to have a body like that.

Calum was next over and he held out his hand. I gave him his glasses and he put them on before pulling himself out.

Again, he also has a perfect bod. "Come here." He says. I got giddy and instantly stood to my feet. Channing dried off with one of the three towels Calum brought and Calum did the same.

"Take this off." Calum helped me out of my dress and I smiled. He kissed me and I kissed back. Again, I didn't like how we ignored each other for the entire day.

But it was my fault, I shouldn't have overreacted.

"Lay down." I nodded and turned. Calum smacked my ass and I nearly came upon him doing so. I sat on the blankets beside Channing and Calum joined on the other side of me.

He tugged at the sheet and pulled it over us. I laid down and Calum hugged me. He gave me a kiss on the cheek and snuggled against me.

"You're so pretty." He mutters. I blushed and felt another hand snake around my waist, it's Channing.

"Whore." He whispered, kissing my neck. I felt like I was about to explode. Two hot guys are over me was a dream I never even had.

"Do you want us to fuck you here? Hm?" Channing asks, still trailing kisses down my neck.




Channing's hand trailed his hand to my pussy and I opened my legs. He rubbed slit and Calum's hand was next. He stopped at my clit and I exhaled sharply.

"I'm going to punish you for ignoring me earlier." Calum whispers. I shivered as he began rubbing my throbbing clit.

Then Channing's voice rang through my ears.

"His idea snow, not mine, remember that." Channing slipped his fingers inside of me and I moaned. Having Channing finger me and Calum rub my clit sent me over the rails.

Channing turned his fingers, thrusting quickly. Calum kissed me and of course I returned it. I feel like I'm about to pass out.

"You gonna coat my fingers with your creame?" Asks Channing. "Huh?" When I didn't answer, as if I can, he pulled my hair back, stopping my kiss with Calum.

"I asked you a question."

"Yes, yes." I breathlessly answered. Calum's soft lips pressed against my neck and shoulder and I groaned.

"Guys...guys I'm gonna cum." I managed. Channing's fingers pressed my g-spot and I jerk.

"I'm cumming." However, they stopped. Channing stopped and as did Calum. I couldn't believe what happened. I glanced down confused.

"Wait...wait why?" I ask. "No, finish." I grabbed both their hands, placing it to my aching pussy. I want to cum, I need to cum.

Channing chuckled and wrap his arms around my neck. "You're going to have to beg for it, snow."


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒚Where stories live. Discover now