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I walked into the empty computer room and made sure the lights are off. I'm behind schedule. I took a seat at the back of the class and quickly took out my camera.

Once it was set up in a respectable way that only showed the bottom half of my body, and pressed record. I tap the side of my earpods and a song came on.

I find it as a way to focus and channel my thoughts for a scenario. I grabbed the lube and tipped my glasses.

This video would have to be a short one. I got too caught up with studying yesterday that it threw me off.

The cold liquid slid down my skin and I rubbed it over my entire skin to build up my erection.

I closed my eyes and gently stroked myself. I know the risk of doing this in school but it's early. I couldn't do it at home either since I tend to get a bit loud.

Not only that my younger sibling, Maya, could never stay away from my door. Always wanting to play, she does.

As I focus on the music I thought about fucking someone. I have had sex before, about three times with one person. Crystal Maye.

She's what you call the popular one. The one that, in reality, nobody gives a shit about, she's just trying to be a mean girl. I know she's got insecurities though because why else would she belittle other girls and search for authority?

I shift, stroking faster as I remembered what it felt like to be inside someone.

The story about Crystal is a bit messed up on my part. I was tutoring her at her house and I asked her if she'd have sex with me. She's not my type, but she was the closest girl to me that time, not to mention I was horny as fuck.

"Are you fucking stupid?" She responded with, laughing that high pitched laugh that could send a dog into cry.

"I'll pay you and I could turtor you for free."

She accepted alright and I fucked her senseless. It was so good in fact that she was the ome that came back a second time and a third. She even gave me the, "if you tell anyone I'll kill you", speech.

It was an amazing experience and she liked it a lot. However, we stopped talking after she said she might like me and she said, and I quote, "I can't like someone as weird as you. So, this is over."

That was a month ago. But I didn't care, it was fun whilst it lasted.

I exhaled and my left leg jerked due to pleasure. I could hear myself groan through the music blasting in my ears.

"Fuck." As for my reason touching myself at seven in the morning in an empty classroom is because I have a secret. I'm a camboy.

Yeah, a nerd like me is a semi famous camboy. Soon I saw the flash of purple. I immediately knew who's eyes I was envisioning. Cordelia's.

Why am I thinking of her?

Her sking, her smile, just everything about her. Not to mention her smell of downy. Most girls would stink of heavy perfume or even the sweet ones, but she's different.

She's more...down to earth.

And I can only wonder how it would feel to fuck her instead. My dick throbbed and I knew I gave myself a reaction.

I stroked faster, getting closer and closer to my orgasm. Suddenly strong arms wrap my chest, startling me. I grabbed their arms and when I did that their free hand finished what I started.

I shook my head, wanting both my earpods out of my ears. The music cut and I gazed up. To my astonishement it's fucking Channing.

I know he's gay but to pull some shit like this is beyond my own knowledge. I bucked my hips to get up but his thumb brushed against my tip, making me shudder a moan.

Oh God what is happening?

"Wait what are you-ah~" Okay, why am I responding to this? I shouldn't, but I am.

"Go on, cum."

Calum I swear on your future grave if you bust because of him I'd fucking murder you. But he's going fast.

"S-stop, stop." I raised my hips again and moaned loudly. This feels too good. I'm not gay, but fucking hell.

Channing moved his arm from around my chest and pulled my head back by my hair. That did it for me and seconds later I'm shooting my load.

I grabbed his wrist as a satisfying moan tickled my throat. I caught my breath and swallowed.


"Now who's the faggot."

Channing shoved my head forward and wiped his hand down my shirt. I turn my head, watching him leave the room. He opened the door, the bit of hallway light shining inside before I was engulfed with the darkness once more.

How'd he know I was in here? Was he following me? Does he know something?

I pushed it aside and stopped the recording. I dug into my bag, taking the baby wiped from it to clean myself down. After that I zipped myself up and packed my things.

I rushed out of the room and instantly bumped into someone. The smell of downy was the first thing to hit my nose and the color purple was the first thing to meet my eyes.


She's wearing a long dress that reached her ankles with a pair of sandles. Her hair is straightened and there is a purple headband in her hair.

Upon seeing me she smiled, showing me the faint yellow.

Maybe she likes coffee.

"Calum, hi."

"H-hi." She raised her hand and fixed my glasses for me. I blushed.


"No problem. I was going to the library to study, want to study together?"

"Do you like coffee?"

Her eyes seemed to have double in size due to that question. Excitement.

"I love coffee. My favorite is an espresso with extra cream." She explains.

"Okay, we could go for lunch if that's okay with you."

"Yeah...that would be amazing."

Just then Channing, Buddy and Chester banged the corner with a burst of laughter. My jaw clenched and I clutched the strap of my bag, shooting daggers at him.


Channing showed me his tongue and kissed the air tauntly at me. Buddy and Chester laughed their heads off and jerked their invisible dicks by their crotch, making mocking noises.

He fucking told them.

"Gay!" Buddy mocked loudly. Chester and Channing just laughed as they made their way at the end of the hall.

"Hey," Cordelia touched my arm to comfort me. I tore my gaze away from the hall and looked at her.

"To hell with them. We'll have our own fun."

I forced a smile and threw my arm over her shoulder.

"You're right." I'll just save Channing for later.


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