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I stood to my feet and sucker punched Channing in the gutt. He topple over, clutching his stomach in pain. When Cordelia said that Channing planned this entire thing made me realize that she was speaking nothing but facts.

Every time we had sex he'd look at me and he basically forced this poly shit anyways. He was the one that offered the idea and I allowed him to slither his way inbetween Cordelia and I.

The reason he was here was all because he wanted to have sex with me. That's all. And he has been from the beginning.

Channing turned his body to the side and knocked me off my foot. He got on top of me and I threw a punch. He caught my hand and held tightly.

"Get the fuck off me you stupid cunt." I grit out.

"You're the one that attacked me. The hell is wrong with you?"

"You used her to get to me."


"Don't fucking play stupid! All you wanted was to have sex with me, you said so yourself you weren't that into girls, so why else would you fuck her?"


And? And?!

"Get the fuck off! I'm gonna kick your fucking ass Boyd."

"Stop acting like an idiot fuck face. It's not like you like ne right? It was only supposed to be a one time thing right? You can't blame me for the feelings you have for me."

"That's the thing dumbass, I only liked you touching me. I don't like you. I never did. Your personality is shitty and all you ever did was make my life a living hell."

I bucked my hips to throw him off but he kept me there.



I looked to my right and saw Cordelia trying to get above the water. She splashed around and tried to stay above the water. Everything was a blurr for me sadly.

"Cordelia! Get the hell off!"

"If you love her so much, why let me fuck her?" He asks.

"Get off!" I pulled at my hand and wiggled around to get him off. My heart is racing and I'm terrified of her drowning.

Can she not swim?

"If you love her so much, why'd you let me fuck you? Huh? Fucking answer me!"

"Channing let me the fuck go!"

"You want to be that yellow teeth whore so bad yet you came over and over and over again when I fucked you."

"You fucking asshole." I threw my head forward and our forheads connected. I used this chance to get him off me. Channing fell beside me and I got up.

Despite my blindness I jumped in. The water made my vision worse like it always do, but I told myself that all I have to do is look for white.

I swam down and I saw her. She wasn't that far and I'm just glad the lake actually has a bottom to touch.

I pulled her by shirt and hooked my arms under hers. My lungs burned for air and I used my feet to paddle us back to the top.

I reached the surface and instantly sucked in air. I coughed and hauled her out of the water and onto the sand.

"Cordelia?" I checked her pulse and got nothing. She can't be dead. I propped her mouth open and blew air into her mouth. I didn't even have time to brush my teeth. Fuck.

I gave her three chest compression and repeated about three times. I was close to throwing myself in to drown until she coughed.

As long as I heard her breathing and talking that was fine. Cordelia puked up the water and heaved in air. I hugged her and eased my panic.

"Thank God."

"Calum." She hugged me back and sobbed. "I was so scared." She cries.

"You're okay, you're okay. Hey look at me, you're okay. You're right here with me." She sniffed and hugged me again. I exhaled and kept her there.


Time passed, a lot of it did. The sun is setting and Calum and I are sitting on the sand close to the bank of water. I have my head on Calums shoulder and a blanket is wrapped around both of us. We were probably like this for hours.

I don't know why but Channing stayed on the dock by himself. Who cares what he's thinking about, he nearly killed me.

And this has been a complete shitshow. And I know my parents are worried about me by now but I'm more worried about Calum.

If his dad catches up with him, which will be eventually, he'll be taken away. I scoot closer to Calum and he hugged my tighter. After a long time crying in his arms he got his glasses and went to Channing's car where he got the blankets he had in the bags from yesterday.

I don't know where we go from here but I guess we'll have to figure it out when his dad finds him. And I'm scared of the outcome.

"My life has never been this enticing before," he begins. "I was always to myself, allowed people to do what they wanted, even my parents when it came to my education. Then further down the line I became a camboy, making a lot of money from there and just waiting for the day I walk across that stage." Calum sighed.

"Who would have thought I'd fall in love, and then ruin it by being too curious and stupid." He mutters. I shook my head.

"You didn't ruin it, Calum."

"I still had sex with him." He admits shamefully.

"Yeah but...me too." I look up at Calum and smiled. Calum returned it and kissed my forehead.

"I still love you Calum." I assure him.

"I love you too. Sadly I have to take you home now. I don't want your parents to worry about you."

"What about you? W-will you be alright?"

He nods, placing hair behind my ear. "I'll be fine I promise. I'll stay at a motel tonight and chill there until morning. I'll meet you at school okay? So be there early." He explains.

"Okay." I went to kiss him but he stopped me.

"Tomorrow morning, I promise. Girls locker room."


And from there I was eager to see him. We gathered everything up and Channing soon dropped me off home. Calum didn't get out and the both of them were off the moment they came.

The door opened and it's my dad. Crap. I lost my phone in the water so I couldn't keep track of time or anything.

He grunts. "It's nearly eleven at night."

"Sorry dad. A-and I didn't call because my phone went dead." I lie. He shook his head, clearly not believing me. He stepped to the side and let me in.

"Cordelia you are getting out of hand."

"Dad can we not, please?"

"My daughter is out there being-

"A what dad?!" I shout, turning to him. "Are you going to call me a yellow teeth whore like everyone else does? Hm? All I wanted was to be treated with respect for once in my life and I finally got that from Calum. So please, stop trying to ruin what we have."

My dad stood in shock and I ran up to my room. I slammed the door shut and locked it. I slid down and pulled my knees up to my chest.

I sighed and shook my head. I hate fighting with him. But he must understand that I'm not a kid anymore.

And maybe that's why he's acting the way he does. His little princess isn't so little anymore.


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒚Where stories live. Discover now