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"So if you put this here then you'll get two." I explain. I'm tutoring at the moment. I've been in college for three years now and it's been better. Life that is.

I got braces and my teeth whitened of course, now they're straighter and whiter than ever. I cut my hair, dying the tips purple since I though it was cool and I got a sleeve of tattoos.

My parents didn't approve of the tattoos but I liked them alot. I would get notes from Calum every six months which is always a bummer since he can't get mine until around the same time. So as the time pass I just hoard on letters and photos of myself for him to get.

I even sent him a pair of my underwear the last time. I just want to see him at this point. But two more years to go.

"Oh, I understand. It's because the four is a negative." He explains. I smiled.

"Yeah, you're getting it."

I'm tutoring a freshman, so I can't blame him. He's a bit stupid though and he's got freckles and red hair. However, this fine gentleman in the front of me is also my only friend.

"Thanks Cordelia, really."

"It's fine Chester. Others have to pay though and I want you to do as best as you can."

He smiles. "Gosh, I should be paying you to hang with me in the first place. Like what's a freshman doing talking to you? Or even hanging out with you for that matter." He grins.

I think he likes me. I'm not entirely sure. But he's too young, he's eighteen and I'm twenty-one. That and I'm already in love.

He'll find someone though, he's a good kid.

"I rather hang with you anyways."

His face turned a bright red and he cleared his throat. "R-really? You're like literally too beautiful and cool to be hanging with me. Five months is a long time."

I grinned. "I'm sure Chester. Now, back to number four. Tell me what it is that you find hard and I'll help you through it."

"I'm hard." Someone whispered into my ear. I jumped and turned around. I looked up and my face dropped in disbelief. Round glasses, perfect smile, hazel eyes, militray suit and shaved head.

"Hey snowflake."

"Calum." I stood to my feet and hugged him. Oh my gosh it's really him. Smells like him, feels like him, looks like him. It's him. It's really him.

Calum hugged me back and I couldn't help my tears of joy. I couldn't get words out either due to how shocked I am.

"I missed you too snowflake." He whispers.

"I thought I had to wait."

"My mom was able to get me out and I spoke with my dad. Kind of placed a lot of things on Channing thanks to you. So thank you, snowflake."

I pulled away and he wiped my tears. I smiled and touched his face.

"You're really here."

"Oh wow your teeth." He blushed and I grinned.

"It's been in for two years now."

"You look amazing. And I like your hair, so short now, shows off your shoulders more. And tattoos?" He began to admire.

"Well, I had my whole six months summed down but I had to wait. You were going to know eventually."

"I love them. And you look badass."

"Thanks, I like your outfit, makes you look less nerdy." He laughed and kissed me. I kissed him back. I've been longing for him.

"I have a room." I whisper.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒚Where stories live. Discover now