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The next morning was that of a rare one. I cleaned my room, took a shower and went down for breakfast. What makes this a rare morning is that my parents are both sitting at the table, engulfed in a conversation.

Of course the table has only the box of cereal and milk with a prepared bowl and spoon for me.

My mother was the first to spot me. Her brown eyes gazed into my soul and she waved me over, alerting my dad of my presence.

"Come on and eat your breakfast, your dad and I want to talk to you." She says. She looks like she rather be elsewhere. The both of them aren't dressed for work though, which is all the more rare.

I took a seat opposite the both of them and made myself a bowl of cereal in silence.

"Calum, your father and I want to talk to you about punching Channing yesterday."

"I thought we already went pver this?" I mutter. I wasn't in the mood to talk about it again.

"Yeah well the Boyd family thinks otherwise. Now, as punishment-

I cut in. "Punishment?"

"Yes punishment. As punishment for getting in trouble you will hang out with Channing until your suspension is over." She explains. I frowned.

"What?! Why?!"

"Hey don't raise your voice young man. And sure you defended yourself but we must paint our name in a good light. We wouldn't people thinking that we have some sort of rabid son." My father adds.

I held back an eyeroll. I thought he only cared about my delivery on things.

"Thanks honey. And Calum get ready for tonight, we're having dinner with the Boyd's as a sorry for what you did to their son."

As if the morning couldn't get shittier. "No."

"Well that's too bad, you don't get a say. Now you better study for when the Boyds come over tonight, I want to show then just how smart you are. And wear your square glasses. And a suit."

"To dinner mom?" I mutter.

"Yes, we want to look our best."

"In our house?" A rhetorical question.

"Calum Einstein Neil, you will watch your mouth." She's trying to be comical. Einstein is not my middle name. I just kept quiet and ate. My mom exhaled.

"Calum, look at mommy."

I tip my glasses and exhaled as I gazed at her. "I know you think it's unfair of what's going on, and I agree, but it's only one dinner and a few bonding days." She explains softly.

"Yeah, and I'm glad you stuck up for yourself. Whoever your bully is it's going to show them that if they mess with you again they'll get a knock themselves." My dad praises with a smile.

Yeah they know I get bullied, but from whom is what they don't know. Sometimes I blame it on Physical Ed. They had questioned it endlessly before a few times but I never gave up Calum since I didn't care.

But they work in the force, they should know how to go about if they want the truth, especially from me.

"Yeah, you're right." I finished my cereal and dismissed myself from the table. I laid on my bed and heaved a sigh. At least seeing Cordelia today wouldn't be bad.

I have plans for us today and I don't want to disappoint her at all. And what I'm looking forward to is eating her out. Ugh, I can hear her moans from here.


I watched the time like a hawk. There were just ten minutes left on the clock until school was over. I haven't asked my parents about what Calum suggested but that was mainly because I was still being cautious about it.

I missed him today, and it's crazy saying that seeing that I've only known him for a short period of time, but it's the truth.

I want him and I think I want him to have sex with me. Don't get wet Cordelia.

Time went on and on and on until finally the bell rang to let us know that class is over. I sprang from my seat and quickly gathered everything.

As I'm packing my things my phone rang. I grabbed it from my desk and noticed that it's Calum calling. I quickly answeres and tried to hide the stupid smile on my face.

"Hey snowflake." He says. I blushed like an idiot and zipped my bag up, throwing it over my shoulders.


"Did you ask yet?"

And being the thirstiest girl I know, I answered. "Of course," I lie "I was just about to text and ask for the address. I'll catch a bus."

He chuckled and sighed. "Yeah, alright, just be careful alright?"


"And wear a dress, you look sexy in them."

I waz sure steaming at this point and gulped.


"Catch you later snowflake."

Calum hung up and sent me his location. It was just twenty minutes away from school. I could call mom now and then catch a bus there. And I'm already wearing a dress.

I walk out of class and made my way down the halls as I called my mom. Teens are pooling out, glad that the day is finally over. I did a thing for Calum too, I was able to get his missing homework and classwork from his teachers.

I'm sure he would do the same if it were me.

"Hi honey." She answers.

"Hi mom, can I study with Calum today at his place? He's suspended so, he couldn't really get his work and I have them for him. I promise I'll only be an hour."

"Oh, sweetheart you know hoe your father is. And you...you did that thing to that boy are you sure he's not just avoiding you?" She asks with concern.

Should I tell her he liked it? Should I tell her he and I kissed?

"I apologized to him and he said that it was innapropriate to do that in front of you both." I mutter. "He didn't indicate if he was uncomfortable or not. A-and maybe I'll know for sure if he still wants to be friends when I take him his homework. It's for an hour ma, please?"

I hear her sigh. "Fine, but I'm running a few errands so I won't be able to pick you up from there."

"Mom I'm fine. I'll catch a bus."

"Be careful dear."

"I will, promise." She hung up and I nearly celebrated with a scream. However I kept my cool. I practically skipped down the hall to quickly make it to Calum's.

Suddenly an arm wrapped around my shoulder and it startled me. I look up to see Channing. He's got a smug look onto his face and I swallowed hard.

Channing is handsome but I hate his personality, and he threw a ball to my face intentionally to hurt me.

"What do you want?" I ask. He said nothing and kept walking. Channing lead me to a room and shoved me inside, closing it behind him. The room is cold, immediately sending goosebumps down my spine.

"What's your name freak." He asks after a momentary silence.


"Mm, you and Calum fucking? I saw the both of you walking yesterday."

"N-no, we're just friends." I whisper. Channing stepped close to me and grabbed my chin.

"This is the last time I'll repeat myself, stay away from him."

Why is it always me?

"Got it?" He asks. I nod and supressed my tears. Channing let me go and walked out, slamming the door shut, causing me to flinch.

Why is Channing telling me to stay away from him? I left the room and rubbed my chin.

I'll find out soon.


𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒚Where stories live. Discover now