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I reached home with Cordelia and she was freaking out. I can tell by how tight she's holding my hand. We took a shower and I got her a spare toothbrush. She had given me the homework I missed but I didn't exactly have the time to give her the necklace I got for her.

I'll give it to her before I leave, I made sure to bring it with me. The door opened and her dad was the person that opened it.

Oookay, don't panic.

"Cordelia where were you?!" He scolds.

"I was-

"It is seven in the evening and you're just reaching home! Do you not know the dangers out there?!"

She stayed quiet and avoided her gaze to the floor. This is all my fault, I know how her dad is due to me first meeting him and I kept her there.

I squeezed her hand gently and cleared my throat.

"Mr.Jaine, afternoon sir. Cordelia was at my place studying. She was even nice enough to get my work for me due to my absence at school today."

His hard gaze met mine and I was sure I saw him inch forward to attack me.

"You. Ever since she met you she's been disobeying. You're the problem." He grunts.


He took a step forward and Cordelia took one back, pulling me with her.

"Dad stop it." She sobs.

"Sir, Please do not put blame on Cordelia. She was on her merry way after our study but she ran into my parents a-and since they've never seen me with a girl before they had a lot of questions...even a bit too much if you ask me. But it's not her fault, sir."

Cordelia wiped her eyes and sniffled. "Cordelia, go to your room right this moment, you're grounded."

She raised her head at him, ready to say something, but he cut her off.

"Now! And you will not see this boy again."

She let go of my hand and stormed past him, bumping his shoulder, to get inside. The man sighed and itched his hair.

"Sir?" He gave me a look and rolled his eyes. "It really isn't her fault. My parents always go over the top when someone new comes around, and her phone had been in her bag, hence why she didn't call. But she was on her early leave before my parents came home."

Mr.Jaine answered with a grunt and slammed the door in my face. I heard arguing on the other side and exhaled.

I really hope she'll be alright. I walked back home and reached there an hour later. I didn't even give her the gift. I open the door, kicking my shoes off my feet.

I strode further inside and mom is already in the kitchen. A rarity. I walked right past, heading up to my room. Again I could not get Cordelia out of my head and it made me moody.

I'll have to text her or call her. I made it to my room and locked myself inside, flopping myself on the bed. I stare at the ceiling and exhaled.

I had cleaned up our little gathering too. I thought today was going to end on a high note, I guess not. And maybe it would've if she had gotten home earlier.

I got frustrated and rubbed my eyes. Fun fact about me, when I don't have the answer to a problem, I cry out of frustration.

Is that pathetic?

I turn on my side and hugged my pillow. It smells so much like her too. That lavender downy smell. I got up from bed and quickly made my way downstairs to the kitchen.

I bumped my dad going dowmstairs and he scolded me for running inside the house.

"Mom, when you shop for laundry detergent, can I come with you?"

She gazed at me and set the knife down. "Oh, hi mom, sorry for coming in late. Where was I? I was studying at the library. Oh, okay son, you can go to your room and get ready for dinner that starts at ten!" She picked up the knife and chopped the tomato in half.

I gulp. Dad rest a hand on my shoulder and I gazed up at him.

"Son, don't stress your mother out please. She's a hard working lady, as am I a working man. Just get good grades, that's all we ever ask of you."

I already get good grades, I skipped a year, I won multiple spelling bee's world wide, I was stuck in a stupid ass swimming programm that was jack shit in the end, I was forced to take piano and violin lessons, and all I ever ask of them to actually be parents for once.

Sure they work, but that shouldn't be an excuse to be total jerks!

I fucking hate when they do this shit. And as "parents" they really only care about my education. They like to boast and brag.

"All I wanted was a change in detergent." I mumble.

"What you need to change is that attitude." My mom grumbles. "And I hope you've been studying. You been studying?" She asks.


"What topic?"


She snorts. "Anatomy? Okay what about anatomy?" I shrug.

"I don't want to rehearse right now mom, can I be dismissed?"

"What about anatomy?" She asks again. I rub my hair and rubbed my eyes. When I took too long to answer she apoke again.

"Choose another topic, something political, you have an hour and a half to choose and learn about it. You can go." She informs without looking at me.

I turn on my heel and went to my room. I locked the door and went back to my bed. I took my glasses off and clutched the pillow, sinking my face in it.

We had sex in this very bed and it was amazing. I hug the pillow tighter to hide my blush. I should have asked her to record it.

Speaking of.

I got up and went over to my desk and grabbed my camera and took a seat. I hooked it up to my laptop and edited the lighting on the photo I had taken of her.

Seeing her made me smile and blush. She's so beautiful and I'm glad I met her. Be it adoration or attraction. I may just love her.

I saved both photos and sent it to my phone. I went back to my bed and texted her the photos.

'Hope you like them. And don't cry, I'll fix it, I promise.

Cordelia answered back almost instantly.

'I love them Calum, thanks. And I'm grounded until my birthday. Sucks.

'Sorry to hear that, but what does that mean for us?

'What is he going to do, make me change schools? You'll be off of suspension soon.

'Yeah, we could sneak out around lunch time to spend time alone.


I smile and set my phone beside me. I stuck my head into the pillow again and eventually fell asleep.

Fuck that dinner.


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