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Calum and Channing swapped places. Calum made sure Channing used the condom and I was grateful for that. But Channing didn't mind using it so points for him. Calum brushed my cheek and I gazed up at him.

He smiles, which made me mirror his actions. I could feel Channing slip two fingers inside of me and I exhaled a breath. He took them out and smacked my ass harder than Calum did.

It turned me on so much I blushed. I like being spanked now, it comes as a surprise and then the sting sets in. Channing slid his cock against my slit and I moaned.

I thought I would have hated it if it's him and not Calum, but I'm curious.

"You're doing amazing snowflake." Calum says gaining my attention. I nod and began sucking his tip. I felt him tense up in my mouth and then Channing slid his tip in.

I moved my mouth from Calum and moaned loudly. It's too big and thick. Channing grunted.

"Loosen up or else I won't... fit." He eased in fruther and I could feel my walls being stretched out.

"Oh my god." I breathe out. "I-it won't fi-ah!" Channing shoved himself inside of me and I arched. His cock throbbed and he moved, grunting and groaning every split second.

I brushed past it and slurped on Calum's tip. His faint groans met my ears and I got butterflies. Channing's throbbing cock made me wetter and wetter and after a minute it got easier.

I bobbed my head up and down and Calum praised me. "Good girl."

"Fuck she's tight. Your pussy is so warm." Channing moaned and I felt his tip hit my spot. I came up from Calum and whined. That feeling hurts so good.

Again and again and again Channing hit my spot. "Look at that, creaming all over me." My walls clenched and he shuddered.

Calum put his hands at the back of my head and I went back to sucking him. Channing pulled out and cussed.

"I'm cumming." Calum moans. Channing slipped himself back inside of me and I felt like I was about to pass out. My jaw ached and my clit shook with sensitivity.

"Cumming ah~fuck." Calum shot inside of my mouth and I swallowed everything.

Channing grabbed my hips and again his tip pressed against my spot, something felt oddly different though, I needed to pee. And badly.

"S-stop, I have to pee...ngh-"

"I'm cumming."

"I have to pee." I repeat near a sob.

Calum made me look at him and there was a wide smile on his face.

"Then pee."

I found it quite absurd but didn't question it. I thought maybe it was some sort of fetish of his and rolled with it.

My body went limp and Channing grabbed my hips so harshly I'm sure it'd bruise. My thighs shook and I whimpered, nearly crying due to the feeling leaving me.

I felt the warm liquid everywhere and blushed in embarrassment.

"That feels...so good." I said through my tired breaths. Channing moaned loudly and I felt his cock twitch inside of me. I knew he came.

He pulled out and smacked my left ass before getting out of bed. Calum stroked my hair and I strecthed my legs out.

"You did amazing snowflake." He softly assures me. "You know that right?" I nod, still trying to catch myself. My pussy is throbbing and I could feel the burn on my ass.

This was the best feeling ever.


I stroke her hair to sooth her. Seeing Channing fuck her harder than me so much so she squirted made me jealous. I thought she was just a creamer, but she's both. Which is hot.

Cordelia rest her head on my lap to catch herself and I gazed at Channing.

He's still hard. Is he really not done? Channing took the condom off and tied it. He stroked himself and stepped to me. If he thinks I'm sucking him off he tell a lie.

"Your turn." He states near a demand.

"In your dreams."

"Come on, I did you, so why not return the favor? Hm?" I glared and he just grinned. At this point he's not whispering anymore, not that he did a good job at using his inside voice. I glance down at his cock and it's bigger up close. No wonder she gagged.

I gulped and Channing rubbed my chin. "Let her ride you, and I'll fuck this mouth of yours since you like to use it so much."

Cordelia rose her head and I gazed at her. She has about ten minutes more before it's time for her to leave.

I sighed. "Would you be fine riding me?" She nodded with a grin and smiled. "Careful." I laid down and I motioned Cordelia over. She straddle me and I kissed her. I've been wanting to do so before we began.

The kiss is sticky and bitter. I could care less. She pulled back and a string of thick saliva connected. I swirled my tongue around it, breaking the string.

I gazed back at Channing and I gulped. I guess there is a frist for everything. But this is only once, no more. I had no idea where to start but I copied what I felt Cordelia doing.

I licked his tip and licked around it. He grabbed my hair and I smacked his hand, pulling back.

"Don't fucking try it."

"Just take my cock like you're use to it." Cordelia moved off of me and Channing moved on top, basically sitting over my chest. I pushed his abdomen and he forcefully shoved his dick into my mouth. My jaw stretched and it hurt like hell.

Channing, like the dog he is, thrust his hips into my mouth. I tried fighting it but I felt oddly good about it. The way he took over was hot.

And I hated that fact.

I gagged and just kept my mouth open and tongue cupped. I felt hot air by my tip and seconds later Cordelia's mouth is back on my cock. And now Channing is throat fucking me and Cordelia is making me throat fuck her.

The pleasure from her and the dominance from his made me wild. I moaned and he shoved my head all the way down, keeping it there. He pulled back, finally allowing me to breathe and there's slobber everywhere.

"You fucking asshole." I swallowed and Channing shoved his cock back into my mouth and groaned.

"That's a good nerd." Fuck his praise. Cordeliea was, however, giving me a bit of insight on what to do since I'm sucking Channing.

Cordelia took everything in and I nearly came right there. The only thing I can do right now is use my tongue as he uses my mouth the way he wants to.

I felt his tip slide down my throat and I swallowed. He pulled out and exhaled.

"Fuck I nearly came." Cordelia sucked my tip and I whimpered a moan. Channing grazes his tip over my lips and I willingly opened my mouth.

I sucked his tip the way Cordelia did mine and he groaned. My movement got faster and Channing took over.

"I'm cumming." I gagged as he started again and four thrusts later he was filling my mouth. One of my legs propped up and I came seconds after him. With his dick still in my mouth I had to breathe through my nose.

My eyes rolled and Channing finally pulled out. He cleaned his dick off with one stroke and wiped it on my face. Channing moved and Cordelia pulled up from my cock.

Talk about a fucking experience.


Quite literally am I right? Huh, huh? No?...okay

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒚Where stories live. Discover now