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I'm blushing like crazy and it's surely embarrassing. He smells so good and he's so close to me too. So close that our shoulders are brushing each other.

Not to mention earlier he put his arm around my neck and shoulder. I'm sure he could see the blush on my face.

Did I mention he smells good? Like baby powder and lemon zest kind of.

I gazed over at him and his head is burried in the encyclopedia he picked up. There's a bandage over his nose where his glasses are and there are faint bruises on his cheek.

Not to mention the cut on his lip. It was oddly attractive seeing him like this. And when he was eyeballing Channing in pure anger was also hot.

"Do you always stare at the people you like?" He suddenly asks without looking at me. I blush.

"W-what?" He knows that I like him? I curse my pigment for making it all the more obvious.

Calum looked up from his book and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He set the book aside and inched closer to me. His shoulder touched mine and my heart nearly exploded.

"What are you studying?" He asks in that same, soft and quiet tone. One thing I noticed is that his voice is deep though.

"I um...it's health science so...the...penis and stuff." Yes, it was the first thing we were assigned. And to be frank it's embarrassing.

"I'm guessing you're in Mr.Stuart's class." He grumbles.

"How'd you know?"

"Because I hear he always starts with reproduction. They say he likes to get it out of the way."

"Oh, well, the more I know."

"Mm." He took the book and hid the page from my view by turning a bit. We're sitting in the last aisle of books and it's a very spacious library so seeing the door or the desk is hard.

"How much do you know about the male reproductive system?" He asks. Calum turned a page, his hazel eyes scanning the paper through his thin rim glasses.

He's so hot.

"A lot."

Finally he looked at me intrigued. His bushy brown brows tilt to the sky for a few seconds before he turned the page again.



"What about the female reproductive system?" Again his eyes met mine and I hot heated. This topic is going to make me horny.

Ridiculous, I know.

"I um...I-

"It's okay, take your time." I stare at him and he's staring back, waiting for me to answer. His voice, to me, was a bit coquettish and lower than usual. But it was also like he was helping me through it.

When I took too long to answer he smirked, easing that book closed.

"I could tutor you for free if you need help. Health science is a an easy bird to knock down if I'm being honest."

I stared like an idiot and his smile only grew. Calum nudged into me.

"Say something nerd; do you want me to or not?"

I don't need help at all, but in the end I nodded anyways.

"Yeah, that would be cool."

"Okay, my place after school?"

"Oh no," he frowns, "my dad wouldn't want me in a boy's house. At my house probably would be fine since my dad could monitor us but anything out of that is a no." I explain with a laugh.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒚Where stories live. Discover now