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I fixed the camera in a way it would capture all of us but still hiding our faces. I'm not sure I'll post it since it would take away from what I actually do. Posting Cordelia is fine but three people? Would my audience like that?

I gazed at Channing and Cordelia. The air is awkward since I really don't know where to start.

"Before I start the recording there's a few rules," I say looking at Channing. He looked at me with a hint of boredom and desire.

Why me though? Of all other males in school he could be overly gay with it happens to be me. Do I mind? Not really...kind of?

I'm conflicted.

"You can talk, but whisper."

"Whisper? Why?"

"To make it harder for people we may know who watch to identify us. Duh."

He rolled his eyes. "You can moan as loud as you want, I don't care, and lastly, don't say our names and we won't say yours. The only thing that would be shown is our lower body. Got it?"

He shrugs. "Cool with me. How are we going to do this?"

"It's up to Cordelia." I went over to my drawer and pulled out a box of condoms. I tossed one to Channing and he caught it.

"This won't fit, you know that." I snatched it from him and huffed. "I'll be back." I left the room and jogged to my parent's room. Hopefully my dad has magnums.

It's weird to be searching for condoms in my parent's room but, safety first. I searched his underwear drawer but came up nothing. I went over to their bedside drawer and checked the top one.

I raised his shirts and there they were, all three connected. I looked at the tag and frowned.

I'm packing a six and he's what, eight and a half? Ugh. Privileged bastard. I left the room and went back to mine.

When I got back Cordelia and Channing were kissing. Cordelia is on his lap and he's massaging her ass. The fuck happened while I was gone?

Seeing them made me...I don't know, it bothered me, but then again it didn't. I walked around the camera and pressed record.

I got behind her and grabbed the nape of her neck, pulling her away from the kiss.

"Who said you could start without me? Hm?"

"Sorry." She apologizes. Channing gazed at me with a smirk and I only glared at him. I set a peck on the side of her neck, not breaking my gaze from Channing.

"It's okay, once you're comfortable."

Channing slid his hands up her dress and pulled it over her head. Channing began sucking on her nipples which made her gasp.

I slipped my hand past her panty and rubbed her slit as I trailed kisses on her neck and shoulder.

She moans. I set the condom beside me and continued to rub her soaking slit. I trail to her clit and she groaned.


I groaned in pleasure. The both of them are making me wild. When Calum left the room Channing had been teasing me.

"You two fucked already?" He asked. I didn't want to answer but I felt like there was no point in denying it.


"How good is he?"


"Want to see who can fuck you better?" He asked upon leaning close to me. He set a hand on my thigh and I glanced down.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒚Where stories live. Discover now