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"Please." The soft plea that left her mouth was enough to convince me further. I pulled her at the edge of the bed and she let out a gasp.

I got on my knees, having a closer view. Although every thing is hairless I notice a purple shape above it. I thought it was a tattoo at first but realized that she shaped and dyed some of her hair.

I didn't care and it was the only color on her skin. "I could shave it if-

"No, it's creative, I don't mind it."

"Really? I kept it there because I saw some very pretty girls on hub shaping their hair so I thought it was cool. Then I dyed it my favorite color." She explains.

"Oh, that's cool." I took my glasses off, setting them aside. Words weren't spoken after but the sexual tension in the room spoke for us.

I could hear her breathing from hera, and although it's blurry, I don't want my glasses to get in the way.

This is it.


This is it, it's finally happening. My heart is racing and despite the cold my palms created sweat. I have been waiting for a moment like this ever since I descovered it and it's finally happening.

I couldn't wait another day or second because with every second looking at him naked in all his glory I couldn't get the image of Calum fucking me out of my head.

I could feel hot hair touch my clit, which only made my heart beat faster. Calum kissed my lips and then I felt it. His tongue slid over my clit and I hitched in a breath.

The hot air from his mouth engulfed it which only sent butterflies to my stomach. Calum gripped my thighs tightly and he sucked on my clit.

I felt so good that I couldn't help but moan. He raked his tongue over again and flicked it. I desperately want him inside me but I'll have to make due with this for now since I know he's only making sure I'm comfortable and prepping me.

Calum's tongue slid up and down my slit making me wetter. He went back to my clit teasing and flicking it with his tongue. The feeling felt beyond amazing and my fingers trailed in his hair.

"That feels...so good." I exhale. I could feel the build up and the plumpness of my clit ready to give in any moment. Calum didn't stop, not even to kiss me.

"Calum I'm close." And I am. Just a few seconds more and I'll be cumming. The only thing I hate is that I don't squirt. I wish I did but I don't. He swirled his tongue around vigurously and my breathing got heavier and heavier.

"Calum? C-Calum?! Ca-ah!" I tugged at his roots and my eyes rolled at the back of my head as I came. His tongue continued working around my clit and went straight down to my slit.

My nerves jerked as the sensitivity from my orgasm set in. Calum came to a slow and finally pulled away. He came up between my legs, his tip pressing against my entrance.

Calum licked the corner of his mouth and kissed me. I felt his fingers to my clit and he massaged it as he continued to kiss me. My clit jerked and I bucked my hips, wanting more.

His tongue was bitter but I didn't care. I want him, I need him. Calum stopped touching me and pulled away from the kiss. I was annoyed since I wanted his fingers elsewhere.

He reached over to his dresser and took out a bottle of lube from his drawer. Oh.

"This is so it goes in easily okay?" He explains. I nod and realized his glasses are off. He looks sexy, but I think I like his glasses better.

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒚Where stories live. Discover now