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Cordelia and I left campus, which we're not supposed to do, but what she doesn't know won't hurt her none. The nearest starbucks was twenty minutes away and surely lunch is over by now, but who cares, it's good to rebel once in a while.

She sipped her coffee and pinched off a piece of her crossaint. I love how carefree she is. And despite her nose being a dark red, she still enjoys herself.

Before she could eat it I grabbed her arm and stole the bite for myself. She had froze before smiling. I grinned, enjoying her expression.

If only she knows how red she gets. "How is it?" She asks.

"I like it a lot. I love chocolate."

"Who doesn't?"

I shrug. "Racist people?" Cordelia gaped and chuckled after.

"I don't know if I should have laughed at that."

"Well, it is a free world, and I like seeing you smile."

She pushed her hair back and gave a thin lipped smiled.

"That's the second time you told me that." She whispers.

"And both times I meant it."

Cordelia looked up at me, her purple eyes drifting from side to side in a rapid motion. I knoe she can see quite clearly.

"I like the color of your eyes too, most albino's have red eyes right?"

She nods. "Yeah and some of the rarer ones have purple. Like me."

"Are your parents albino's or?"

She shook her head, licking the tips of her fingers.

"No, they're normal." Her tone got soft and I could tell the converstation made her feel some tyoe of way.

"Nobody's normal. We all have our quirks."

"Yeah, I guess. But you, you're perfect. You have nice hair, eyes that don't make you look like you can't focus on one thing. And your teeth are straight and spotless. Your skin is a normal white and your lips aren't red like you've been kissing the kool-aid man."

I grin. "Nah, you're perfect. Your gap is pretty. And your teeth just stain easily. Might want to ease off the coffee." I whisper. She didn't laugh, nor did she smile.

Cordelia just eased her coffee to the side and sat back.

"Yeah, you're right."

Ah crap, I did something wrong.

"Cordelia." She ignored me. "Look at me." I reached over, forcing her to look at me.

"You're beautiful. There's absolutely nothing wrong with you at all." I brush my thumb on her bottom lip. "I mean it."

She forced a smile and I sat back in my seat. She rubbed her arm and cleared her throat before setting the mug right back in front of her.

"You know, I've been willing to ask you a question."


Cordelia played with the rim of the glass and whatever she wants to ask me I can tell it's serious.

"That girl, Crystal, she told me to stay away from you. Are you two like...a secret or something."

I shook my head. "We were, but she called it off because she said she was catching feeling for me. But we haven't spoken to each other in nearly three months, and what we had was only experience so." I shrug. "Besides I like you so, there's nothing going to get in between my feelings for you."

𝑻𝒉𝒆 𝑵𝒆𝒓𝒅 𝑰𝒔 𝑨 𝑪𝒂𝒎𝒃𝒐𝒚Where stories live. Discover now