Chapter 12: Pirates Go Yar Har!

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"Just act like you're a knight, we don't want to alert the pirates that we're outsiders..." Byleth whispered. The heroes nodded as they got ready to attack. The captain ordered his men to attack the heroes. They took out their swords and attacked the heroes. The heroes fought back against them with ease. They were able to kick them down or hit them in retaliation without any problems.

The Captain grumbled, "These knights aren't so normal... usually they would stumble..." The pirates looked at him as they looked back at the heroes. "What is your deal anyways?"

Byleth questioned, "Our deal? What are you getting at?"

The Captain explained, "Oh don't worry, I'll explain. You are all knights... right?"

"Yes?.. Is there something about us that makes you think otherwise?" Byleth questioned as he pointed his sword. The Captain stared at Byleth's sword and smiled.

"Yer sword there, it's very unique even for the captain of the knights to have... tell me, where you get that shining treasure?" The Captain questioned. Byleth stood there in disbelief as the heroes chuckled behind him. "Answer the question knightling."

Byleth grumbled, "Like we would tell a pirate like you. You're looking for treasure; which is forbidden around here."

"Forbidden? HAH! We're pirates, like we'll listen to the rules of a knight..." The captain laughed. The heroes groaned as they got ready to fight the pirates again. They clashed blades with each other as Byleth tried to find ways to break down their ship. "YAR!! LEAVE MY SHIP ALONE!"

Byleth sighed, "You already went against the rules, no reason as to why I shouldn't get rid of your ship." The captain gritted his teeth together as he dashed at Byleth. The two clashed blades with each other and didn't stop. "HAH! BACK OFF!"

"YOU SCUMBAG! I'LL BE SURE TO RUIN YOU! YER HEAR?!" The Captain shouted. Byleth scoffed and wrapped his sword around The Captain. "YOUR SWORD CAN EXTEND?! WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?!" Soon Byleth whipped him around and threw him onto the ground.

A pirate questioned, "C-Captain! Are you alright?"

"I WANT THAT SWORD! HAND IT OVER TO ME NOW!" The Captain ordered. The pirates nodded as they dashed at Byleth. However, the heroes got in the way and started attacking the pirates.

Link shouted, "HAH!" He slammed his blade against a pirate's sword and they fell onto the ground.

That pirate stammered, "S-Sir! They have better knights all of a sudden! The sword isn't worth it! We need to leave!" The Captain glared at the heroes as he slowly stood up. The heroes had their weapons in their hands, ready to attack at any moment.

The Captain groaned, "We'll leave if you just leave us pirates alone. Yer hear?!" The heroes slowly nodded as the pirates dashed onto their boat and they sailed away from the area.

Byleth sighed, "Actual pirates, you don't see them often."

"Not unless you're in a fantasy realm! Which we're in!" Kirby giggled. The other heroes chuckled as they turned around to where the castle was located. Byleth stood there staring for a moment before taking a deep breath.

Chrom questioned, "Nervous? I understand, they already hate us and if we were to be caught... well we're done for." Byleth nodded slowly as he looked over to where their animals were.

Byleth ordered, "You guys all stay hidden away from any knights. We don't want them to know we're around here." The animals nodded as they started walking towards the castle. They kept on walking forwards until they all stopped in front of the castle. "Now go hide!"

The animals dashed over to hide as the heroes all stood there in front of the castle. They walked in slowly and they looked around the area. There were people there, but they seemed to be just family members. They kept on walking through the castle, it was odd since they were already banished from the kingdom itself. They stood by the sides with the rest of the guards as they heard the sound of trumpets.

Soon Queen Lily was walking down the pathway. Alongside King Amedeo. The heroes stood there watching them, noticing the strange setting; it was cold and secluded. It seemed like the family could only visit the castle itself and of course, the knights. They all stood there watching as Queen Lily sat down at the table.

Queen Lily sighed, "A welcome to the people I have invited here and of course, my beloved family. We are here to gather together for a calm and quiet dinner. Knights, be sure to lock the doors and ensure nobody ruins this quiet feeling." Two knights nodded as they walked over to lock the door.

Byleth thought to himself, "We need to explore the castle itself so we can see what she did to Queen Bailey..." The heroes stood there staring as King Amedeo just kept staring at them. "Insane madman, he's on our tail... shoot."

"Hey, if you need to use the restroom you can go ahead and do so, don't know why you're holding it in," One knight sighed. Byleth looked at them and slowly nodded. He walked away from the scene as the heroes watched him slowly.

"Knights, go check on him to be sure he does nothing," King Amedeo muttered. The heroes nodded as they followed after him. Byleth walked over to where the restroom was, and walked past it.

Byleth muttered, "Two people stay here and the rest follow me."

"I'll stay with Sonic," Hajime muttered. Byleth nodded as the rest of the heroes walked up the stairs.

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