Chapter 105: Discovering The Truth Hidden In Leaves

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"Okay... so everyone is good to keep going right?" Byleth questioned. All the heroes nodded in agreement as Byleth got back on the horse. Byleth took a deep breath and ordered the horse to get going. The heroes all looked around the forest and noticed how it was surprisingly still very normal.

Chrom mumbled, "For some strange reason... The forest is still completely normal without any problem. What do you suspect Lord Liberation is doing?"

"Probably doing something really dumb to distract us again and... yeah it's probably something to distract us," Kirby replied. The heroes all looked back at him before taking a deep breath and continuing their journey. The heroes kept a close eye on the forest in case something was going to suddenly go wrong.

Byleth grunted, "There has to be something to help us find what Lord Liberation is planning. Otherwise, we're screwed in the process...." He looked down at himself as he heard something on his communicator. The other heroes heard it as well and they all checked their communicators. "This... is a message from the World Tree?"

"The World Tree is messaging you guys?" Kaede asked.. The heroes nodded in agreement as they read over the message.

Byleth read, "A grave warning to you heroes. As you should all know, Lord Liberation has officially gone insane with power and he is doing everything in his power to destroy you all. But due to this, he's driving himself to wanting to harm the innocent people of Shimmer Star. So he captured the other heroes in order to give you guys a distraction but you should be weary of his true plans.

Lord Liberation not only wishes to destroy the innocent people of Shimmer Star but he also wishes to destroy the innocent people of Dawn. He has ventured out of the fantasy world and you all need to find a way to stop him before he reaches me, The World Tree. If he were to kill me; the entire world would be murdered and Dawn would be an inhabitable land to live on..." Byleth stood there staring at his communicator as the heroes all looked at him in shock.

Lumine asked, "Byleth... what do you suggest we all do now?!"

"I know one thing, we need to get out of Shimmer Star as fast as possible and GET TO DAWN!" Byleth ordered. He got down on the ground as he looked at everyone. "The quickest way we'll be able to get to Dawn is if we use the special speed ability of our legend forms. Kaede, Shuichi, and Alear take the horses! Tails are you quick enough?!"

Tails yelled, "Of course! I'll take Prince Fluff with me to help!" Byleth nodded as he took out his legend stone. The heroes all took out theirs as the others that couldn't transform got a head start.

"TRANSFORM US DRAGON FLAME! GRANT US THE SPEED WE NEED!" Byleth yelled. Then all the heroes transformed. Quickly they all activated their speed ability and proceeded to run their way to Dawn. They were able to quickly catch up to the others as they tried to navigate their way to where the Light Fairy kingdom was.

Link asked, "Byleth! Do you even see where the Light Fairy Kingdom is?" Byleth pulled out the map on the communicator and ordered everyone where they should be heading. Soon they saw the barriers where they first entered the realm of Shimmer Star in. They all continued running, getting closer and closer toward the barrier and soon they all made it out of the barrier. They all landed on the ground and checked if everyone was okay.

Alfred asked, "Alright... since we're out, what is the state of our... planet?" Alfred stood there frozen as the heroes all looked at him in confusion. Soon they looked over and suddenly it felt like... everything single event was happening at once.

Chrom whispered, "This feels like... a nightmare..."

"A real nightmare alright, it just feels like the system reboot, the fire dawn war, and the events of the crown of Zerus..." Byleth muttered. The heroes all watched the events happen as they barely dodged a fireball containing corruption energy. "Good god... How was Liberation able to cause such a thing!?" The heroes all shivered from fear as they all looked toward the destruction.

Chrom explained, "I don't know if any of you know this but Lord Liberation is Dawn's younger brother. Dawn was the goddess who created this land so it only makes sense why a creator god is able to produce absolute chaos." He looked away from himself in anger as he turned back to the destruction. "It feels as if my trauma is coming back, but at the same time... I don't feel the emotions of those days."

"That could be a sign of your growth perhaps? I still feel frightened by the entire event personally," Marianne suggested. Chrom nodded slowly as all of the heroes looked at one another. "Byleth, do you know what to do?"

Byleth muttered, "Based on the way we resolved each event... it's difficult to figure out what can truly solve the events that are being created..." The heroes all felt fear filling their bodies more and more as Chrom stood there staring down at himself. He was reminded of the Dragon Flame, thinking it could be the only way to stop Liberation but he was worried that it couldn't stop a god.

Even then, if it could be the one to stop it how would they repair the damage being done? Arli didn't describe much of the Dragon Flame and she was nowhere to be found. But now, an even greater fear plagued Chrom's mind, suddenly he no longer felt confident that the Dragon Flame was going to be the answer. He was more worried about one... simple... thing. Was Arli Dead? Was there going to be a way for them to resolve the issue and so, how would they figure that out?!

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