Chapter 115: A Glow and Fright

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"Erroll, did you manage to find anything about the World Tree's location?" Liberation questioned as he arrived at the cages with the heroes. However, right as he got there; Erroll was dead on the ground and all the cages where the heroes were; they had freed themselves and escaped. Liberation looked at him in disbelief as he got to Erroll's side. "ERROLL!! ANSWER ME!"

He tried using a spell to see if Erroll could be revived but there was no use... he was dead. Liberation looked down at himself before being reminded of everything that's happened to him. His sister was killed, his father was banished by the god of irreverse. His brother in law was killed by his sister and his niece? She didn't like him to begin with.

Liberation cried, "ERROLL! I CAN'T LOSE ANOTHER PERSON! BREATHE!!! I NEED YOU TO BREATHE!!" He looked down at Liberation as he grabbed his hair in anxiety. He couldn't figure out for the life of him what was going on. But more importantly, why it was happening to begin with. He hugged Erroll tightly as he cried into his chest. "ERROLL!!!"

"He got what he planned, after all, look at you..." Someone mocked. Then it was revealed to be none other than Erica. Liberation gently placed Erroll on the ground as he slowly got up, turning toward Erica and launching himself on her. The two fought for a brief moment but Erica was able to win against him. He slid across the ground as he looked at Erica with a look of insanity.

Liberation asked, "WHAT DO YOU WANT FROM ME!? I AM NO LONGER YOUR UNCLE AND THEREFORE YOU SHOULD LEAVE ME ALONE!!" He shot a spike at Erica as she barely dodged it. She looked at it before turning toward Liberation. Liberation still had his holy aura flowing through him but it was filled with negative energy. "Everything has been taken away from me and you continue to bother me?"

"Well even if you claim to no longer be my uncle, you're still my uncle since you're the brother of my mother!" Erica yelled before Liberation threw another light spear at her. She was struck by the spear and fell down, grabbing onto her chest from the pain she was experiencing. Liberation got closer to her and grabbed her by the neck. "L-LET GO OF ME!!!"

Liberation giggled, "You want to keep going at this rate? Please, I have so much just waiting to happen..." He smiled widely at Erica as she continued to look deep into his eyes. They were shining bright but inside of them there were... swirls. They were red and tiny but you had to look hard enough to see them.

"LIBERATION! IF YOU KILL ME THIS ENTIRE PLANET WILL FALL!!" Erica shouted as she kept on trying to break free from Liberation's will. But Liberation was winning over her, suffocating her slowly as Erica was beginning to lose consciousness.

Liberation sighed, "If everyone I've ever loved is dead. There is no point in keeping someone like you alive. My life was destroyed thanks to the heroes and everything that has bothered me in the long term. But it's going to be fine..." He pinned Erica against the wall as sparkles fell on his face. That was it, the blood from the gods. It was red much like the humans but it was filled with sparkles.

Erica screamed, "LIBERATION NOO!!! LET GO OF ME PLEASE!!! I DON'T WANT TO DIE YET!!!" She began panicking as she saw the blood fall down and it terrified her. Liberation kept her pinned to the wall and then he slowly took out his lance and pointed it directly at Erica's forehead. She kept on shaking as Liberation just smiled.

Liberation sighed, "You were a fool to be reckoned with. I know I should treat you with kindness and care but. What good have you done for me?" He smiled gently before stabbing Erica in the heart. She fell to the ground but she was still living on a thread. Liberation kept a watchful eye on her as she was struggling to breathe.

"U-Uncle... I don't understand... how could you... choose such a path like this one?" Erica questioned. She coughed a bit and spit out blood from her mouth. She was shaking from the blood as Liberation just kept staring down at her. He had a blank stare, as his eyes kept a glow. Erica kept staring up at him as Liberation then began to laugh.

Liberation laughed, "MY NAME IS LIBERATION IF YOU COULDN'T TELL! I AM YOUR LORD AND SAVIOR! YOU WILL OBEY ME AT YOUR WILL AND IF YOU DO NOT IT'S ALL DOWNHILL FROM HERE!!" He smiled widely as Erica kept shaking, staring up at Liberation as he raised up his lance.

Erica cried, "WAIT STOP! PLEASE! WE'LL MAKE AN AGREEMENT TOGETHER IF YOU DON'T KILL ME!" She got down on the floor and started begging for her life. Liberation on the other hand was just watching her, with his lance still in the air.

"What do you wish to agree on if I spare you?" Liberation asked as he slowly lowered his lance away from Erica. She looked up with hope in her eyes, but at the same time. Liberation was still terrifying to deal with.

Erica explained, "I'll let you know of the location of the World Tree. I swear upon my life that you'll get informed about it and I will not tell any of the heroes of what you found. I promise you..." She looked up toward Liberation as he stared at her. Erica was beyond worried but at the same time, she needed to stay alive for the people. She wouldn't allow Liberation to take control.

Liberation giggled, "Very well... I'll spare your life but if you tell the heroes of anything that I'm doing. Then don't feel afraid to say goodbye to your precious planet! After all, I should've gained ownership after Erica passed away..."

Erica mumbled, "That's not now it works..."


"Nothing, here's a map of the world of Dawn, and this is the location of the World Tree," Erica explained. Liberation examined the map for a bit before smiling afterward. Healing Erica in the process and then closing the map.

Liberation sighed, "This place... is done for..."

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