Chapter 69: The Two-Faced Liar in Red

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"Alear... what are you talking about!?" Byleth demanded. Alear looked down at him and scoffed as she got onto the ground. The light shining down on her revealed everything clearly. Something about was different and not only that, her attitude.

Alear yelled, "I thought I could've gotten away with this! I thought that everything was going to be going the way I planned for it to go! But no! My entire plan was ruined because of you heroes! YOU HEROES HAVE BEEN NOTHING BUT LIARS!!"

"Liars?! What are you remotely talking about?!" Albedo yelled back. Alear kept her eyes locked on them as she turned to Byleth.

Alear laughed, "Byleth, you were destined to be the leader, right? Why haven't you solved the issues that Mario presented us when he was alive? You and him are no different, in fact I believe you are WORSE!" Byleth walked backward in disbelief as Alear took out her sword.

"You... have changed Alear..."

"Alear is dead to me, Alear was Alerius' actual name..." Alear explained. The heroes looked over to Alerius in shock as Alerius looked at Alear in shock. "Surprised aren't you? I stole your name because you always had priorities over me."

Alerius asked, "W-What are you talking about Alear?! None of what you are saying is making remote sense!" Alear kicked Alerius down as Byleth attempted to whip her. However, Alear jumped back and dodged the attack from Byleth.

"Your name is Alear, I wanted to be better than you so I took your name when we 'forgot' our memories. You were the only one who forgot, I remembered everything..." Alear explained. Alerius stood there in silence as he turned away.

Veyle yelled, "But I don't get it! Sister, what are you talking about?!"

"My name is Acadia, what am I striving to be? I'm striving to be the successor to Sombron..." She announced. She got onto the stand again and started laughing hysterically.

Alear muttered to himself, "My... name is Alear? And... Her name is Acadia?" The heroes dashed over and attempted to attack Acadia. However, she jumped backward as she smiled down at the heroes again.

Acadia sighed, "You heroes will always strive to stay the same, I'm shocked in the direction this took us! But it's a welcomed surprise..." She smiled at the heroes as Byleth got his sword ready.

"You liar... we all trusted you and you broke our trust... DO YOU NOT FEEL ANY REMORSE?!" Byleth shouted. The heroes nodded in agreement as Acadia looked at her hand. Then she took out the legend stone.

Acadia laughed, "I don't feel any remorse whatsoever! You heroes were destined to fail and that is the simple truth... now with that secret revealed. I will be able to destroy you all just as ordered..." The heroes got themselves ready to fight.

Alfred grunted, "The absolute insanity of this situation... what is remotely going on right now..."

"No idea, but we have to stand tall in order to fight..." Claude replied. Alfred nodded back as Acadia clapped her hands together.

Acadia laughed, "AHAHAHA! DIVINESS IS THE ONE RISE TOGETHER DIVINITY!" Then she shifted into a transformation. She transformed into some sort of ladybug form and then smiled at the heroes.

Celica whispered, "Taking this the legend stone way, hm?" The heroes looked at one another as Kirby handed Claude, Alfred and Lumine their own legend stones. They looked at each other and smiled as they got themselves ready.

Acadia laughed, "We're fighting with the legend stones aren't we? Well this one is going to be fun!" The heroes put their stones together as Byleth got ready to yell out the saying.

"COMBINE US THE STRENGTH OF ONE! HEROES AS ONE!!" Then each of the heroes transformed into their legend stone form. Each of them had a unique uniform even though Claude, Alfred, and Lumine had some superhero uniform. The heroes got themselves ready.

Acadia muttered, "You guys are trying to push me down aren't you? That's cute..." She put her hands together as an aura appeared behind her. Then she got her water abilities ready.

"Everyone, let's stay focused and make sure that she doesn't get to our head..." Byleth mumbled. The heroes all nodded as Acadia spun her legend stone around for a moment. She caught it and looked down at the heroes.

Acadia sighed, "Now, you guys are fighting me wearing that... that's going to be hilarious!" She laughed before getting down onto the ground.

"What a hypocritical statement... you are just the same..." Zhongli muttered. Acadia smiled at him as she raised her sword. Alear got himself ready and then pulled out his sword as well.

Alear muttered, "Well I was lied to for the majority of my life... but I know my sister... she would never do something like this to me..." He joined the heroes as Tails joined the heroes as well. "We may not have the legend stones but we can fight too!"

Tails laughed, "Heck yeah we can!" Alear nodded as the heroes got themselves ready as well. Acadia jumped back onto the stand one more time and poured water down. The heroes dodged the attack and glared up at Acadia as she smiled down at them.

Acadia laughed, "Now... let's get this show on the road so we can see who is the victor now! You heroes are NOTHING against me! AHAHAH!"

Byleth shouted, "NEVER! YOU NOT WIN IN THE END! AND WE WILL BRING BACK THE 'ALEAR' THAT I USED TO KNOW!!" Acadia kept on laughing until she jumped down, swinging her sword at the heroes.

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