Chapter 100: Sealed Lies of Lord and King

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"AHAHAHAH!" Lord Liberation laughed as he looked down at the heroes. The heroes all stood there staring up at him as the waves began to intensify. "You heroes tried to defeat me while I was wearing my disguise! But now we all know what's going to happen! AHAHAHAHA!"

"I knew King Oceano wanted to tell me something... but Othos attacked us before he could..." Chrom muttered. Then he set himself on fire again. The heroes looked over as Chrom got ready to attack Liberation. "SO BE IT! I'LL DESTROY YOU!!" Lord Liberation looked over as Chrom jumped into the air.

Lord Liberation laughed, "GO AHEAD AND TRY!" He got his hands ready as he got prepared to blast Chrom. However, Chrom landed on his head and burned the top of his head with his foot. He fell down to the ground as Celica used a spell to help him not fall on the water. Chrom landed on the spell that was casted and Celica brought him back onto the boat. Burning the boat in the process.

Byleth muttered, "Chrom, you need to stay off the boat before you end up making us sink..."

"What else am I supposed to do?!" Chrom asked. The heroes all stood there in silence as Chrom looked back toward Lord Liberation. He spun his sword around before charging it up to blast the heroes. Chrom looked over in shock as he jumped on the water. Using a spell to help him stay on the water without sinking into the water.

Sonic asked, "IS THAT SAFE?!" Chrom didn't answer as he began to dash on the water. The heroes looked up as Lord Liberation had a crazed look on his face. Then he attempted to blast them. They moved out of the way but in the process blasted the boat. Causing it to begin sinking.

"HE ATTACKED THE BOAT! WE NEED TO DO SOMETHING BEFORE IT GETS WORSE!" Acadia shouted. Byleth took out the legend stone as it appeared to have a unique yellow glow to it. The heroes then took out theirs and it appeared to have the same yellow glow.

Byleth shouted, "SHINE THROUGH THE LEGENDS WITNESSED!" Then the heroes all transformed into their legend forms but instead of them looking normal. They all had a unique pattern relating to the Dragon Flame. The heroes got themselves ready as Byleth dashed over and shot several spells with his staff.

Lord Liberation dodged them as all of a sudden Chrom jumped up high into the air to slam his fists against Lord Liberation. Then he slammed them directly on him, which caused him to fall to the ground. Chrom looked at him in anger as he looked around the area.

Celica asked, "Chrom! Just what exactly are you doing!?" Chrom looked back at her before looking down at Lord Liberation. Lord Liberation looked over toward him before throwing a spell directly at him. Chrom barely dodged the attack himself weakening down. Acadia got onto the water and swam over to Chrom. Quickly grabbing him as he started transforming back to normal.

"WE NEED SOME HELP HERE!" Acadia shouted. Celica and Marianne then used a spell to pull the two over. They got onto the boat as Chrom was back to normal. Trying to regather his strength but he appeared very worn out, at the same time the heroes still had the dragon flame markings.

Arli whispered, "The Dragon Flame temporarily blessed the heroes... maybe they are able to do something about Lord Liberation..." Arli looked up as Lord Liberation got ready to blast the heroes. However, Lumine dashed over and used a huge wind spell to blow him away. He was pushed backward as he looked at the heroes, now with distress filling him.

"You heroes are intelligent! I must say I am very impressed with your efforts! Too bad they're going to go all down the drain! AHAHAHA!" Lord Liberation laughed. Then he shot another spell at them. Alcryst dashed over and shot an arrow directly through the spell. Causing it to disappear before it was able to land its attack. "DAMN YOU HEROES!!"

Byleth mumbled, "We need to get ourselves on shore before the boat sinks even more!" Byleth then used a spell to cause the waters to go quicker. Which caused the boat to move closer toward the shore. In the process, water started filling the boat more. Lord Liberation flew after them as he attempted to blast their boat. But the boat was able to get away from his attacks.

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