Chapter 128: To The Place I Belong

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"Irlos..." Someone whispered. Irlos looked up and turned behind him, from there was a young girl. She wore green and turquoise. Accompanied by someone who was filled with gold and silver. "Papa, Libro got hurt!" She showed Libro and Irlos noticed the scratches that were filling him.

Irlos asked, "How did this happen?!" He got down and gently startled healing Libro. He laid in his arms as the girl looked at him. "Liva, be a good daughter and explain to me what happened." Liva looked at him and nodded.

Liva sighed, "We went... to check on the people..." Irlos' eyes widened in shock as he shook his head. "We're sorry Papa! We know that the people don't like us and they want to use us but-"

Irlos ordered, "Both of you know to stay FAR away from the people. They're dangerous and they ask for your downfall. I don't want you to die when you're going to take my spot... so please; both of you stay away from the people..." Liva nodded as Libro was fully healed. "Your baby brother will not do well against the people. They're dangerous..."

Liva sighed in defeat, "Yes papa..." She cleared her tears as Irlos helped her. Irlos gently smiled at her as his fur coat blew with the wind. He kissed Liva on the head as he heard the footsteps of someone. It was none other than Ashyo, he stood in front of Irlos as the two looked at each other..

"Hello..." Irlos mumbled as he cleaned himself. Ashyo checked his uniform, noticing how it was different from his usual light blue attire. His color scheme was now brown with white. "I look different don't I?"

Ashyo laughed, "You look perfectly fine. I love how that brown fits you, it gives you a unique godly look that not many are able to achieve. It's wonderful..." They smiled at each other as Liva dashed over to hug Ashyo. "Hello there Liva! How are you?"

"I'm doing good! How come you don't have any kids that I can play with?" Liva questioned. Ashyo paused as he thought about Davon and Deliah. He had kids but they were mortals compared to Liva, she was immortal and lived far longer than they did. It was going to be a while before anyone appeared. "Ashyo?"

Ashyo replied, "Nothing, besides. I have a lot to take care of!" He chuckled as Liva nodded and dashed to Libro's side. Irlos walked over and noticed Ashyo's clothing. It was mostly dark teal with light blue in it. "Are you interested in what I'm wearing?"

Irlos laughed, "I never paid too much attention until recently. You look great in those colors. It fits with your white hair." Ashyo laughed but soon they heard the sounds of something spawning. Ashyo looked around in confusion and noticed it was the time of irreverse, Iris. "Oh... shit..."

Iris sighed, "It's about time I got to see you all again. Ashyo, Iris... it's been a while since we've seen each other. Say, Ashyo you're the one who created Ashya; correct?" Ashyo looked at him and didn't say anything. "Right, you're questioning what happened to Ash aren't you?"

Ashyo ordered, "What did you do to him you BASTARD!" Iris chuckled as he then grabbed Ashyo by the neck. "AGH!! LET GO OF ME!!!" He screamed in agony as he looked at Iris in disbelief. Iris didn't say anything, he just grabbed his neck and pulled out a dagger.

Irlos shouted, "IRIS!"

"SHUT IT IRLOS BEFORE YOU'RE NEXT!!" Iris screamed. He pointed the dagger at Ashyo's neck. He looked at it before looking back at Iris. He felt fearful for his life, Iris was completely something else compared to his counter; Ashyoshio. Then-

"GAHH!!!" Byleth shouted. He woke up in shock and noticed the weather that was happening. It was... snowing, he looked around as the rest of the heroes were asleep on the ground. It looked like it just started snowing. He felt disoriented from his dream, what was it all about and what was the purpose of that dream? He curled up for a moment and watched the gentle snowfall come down. He felt at ease after seeing the snow, completely forgetting about everything that was going on.

He touched the snow and felt it melt on his hand. Soon some of the heroes woke up from the coldness. They saw the snow coming down on them, realizing they all somehow fell asleep. They kept watch of the snowfall, it was relaxing and putting the heroes at ease. "The snowfall..." Byleth looked over and saw Celica feeling the snow fall onto her hands. "What time of the year is it?"

Link replied, "Kila, can't believe how much time has passed since we started this." The heroes giggled as they continued watching the snow, it was the perfect timing as well. Snow fell around from Nivo to Miraity. It was very relaxing to see snow coming down upon them. The heroes looked at each other before Byleth got a notification on his communicator.

"What is going on?" Byleth questioned as he checked his communicator. But to his disbelief he had learned that Liberation was on his way to kill the World Tree. This time, he knew of its location properly and he was going to find it. "SHOOT! GUYS WE GOT TO MOVE NOW!"


"Liberation is already on his way to get to the World Tree and I'm not allowing it! COME ON!!" Byleth dashed off as the heroes gathered themselves together and followed directly after him.

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