Chapter 45: Graced Soul

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"AH!" The heroes dodged the attack of Sectonia as she attempted to attack them again by spinning her lance. Tails managed to shoot a ray from his ray gun as Amy jumped in and slammed her hammer against Sectonia.

Sectonia tried to attack Amy but she dodged as Marx and Magolor helped attack Sectonia. He fell backward as Hu Tao jumped in to swing her polearm. The heroes kept on throwing as many attacks as possible. However, it felt like Sectonia was still declared the victor.

Magolor asked, "Any suggestions of what we should counter with?" The heroes looked up toward Sectonia's Clone and then Cream got a bright idea. She sent Cheese to help Tails as she had Marx go ahead and use his special black hole attack. "Cream! What are you doing?!"

"I'm doing what is going to be the best for us!" Cream announced. Then she had Sigurd and Deirdre do a pair attack together. Alongside Jeralt and Beth, they were able to deal more damage to Sectonia.

"HAHH!!" Sectonia shouted as she swung her lance at them. The heroes dodged as Alerius slammed his blade against Sectionia alongside Timerra. They were able to toss her toward the ground and that's when Sectonia became more and more furious with the heroes.

Diamant asked, "Do you think we're doing okay?" The heroes looked up at Sectonia as she got ready to attack again. The heroes dodged the incoming attack as King Dedede, Meta Knight, and Bandana Dee all jumped and attacked her.

"AHHH!" She fell toward the ground as Adeleine dashed in and splashed paint on Sectonia. She screamed as Zelda shot a spell at Sectonia with Impa. They were able to weaken her down when all of a sudden she started teleporting everywhere.

Seliph asked, "G-Gah! Where is she going?!"

"She's going somewhere... that's for sure," Lyn mumbled. The heroes kept searching around when Sectonia attempted to attack Yae Miko. She dodged as Raiden swung her sword at Sectonia damaging her. She started teleporting all over the place once more.

"Damn it! Is she ever going to back down!?" Hu Tao asked as she looked at Sectonia. Sectonia attempted to attack her but Captain and Agent 8 got to her before she had a chance to attack. She disappeared and started teleporting everywhere again.

Tsumugi asked, "What do you suggest is going to happen!?" Right as she said that Sectonia was able to strike Tsumugi. Dimitri attempted to attack Sectonia but she teleported away with ease.

Dimitri grunted, "Keep on the lookout everyone!" The heroes all nodded as they gathered together ready to stand by each other's side. Then Sectonia attempted to attack King Dedede but Shadow and Alm jumped in and attacked her.

She finally stopped teleporting everywhere and took out her lance again. Spinning rapidly toward the heroes but Azura and Kokomi struck her down. Sectonia fell to the ground as the heroes all got ready to do one final blow.

Lucina ordered, "NOW!!" Together Susie, Classic Tails and Tails all shot a ray beam together. Finally putting an end to Sectonia's clone. "HAH! We did it!"

"Go us! We're rocking it here!" Mae cheered. The heroes all smiled at one another as Claude noticed another piece of paper on the ground.

Claude asked, "Do any of you guys know what this means?" The heroes all walked over as they viewed the piece of paper together. It didn't seem like anyone had a clear answer as to what was written on the paper to begin with. "Nothing?"

"Sorry... none of us seem to know what's on it," Sayaka replied. Claude shook his head as Azura walked over and grabbed it from his hands. "Lady Azura?"

Azura explained, "This seems to be a written letter in some sort of ancient language. It seems to be from the language the people of Dawn spoke before we all came to be..." The heroes all gathered around Azura as she tried to read what was written.

"Anything Lady Azura?" Rosalina questioned. Azura shook her head as she gave the paper back to Claude. "Ouch... maybe we should save that for Claude to give to the heroes once they leave the temple."

"Good idea! I pray that the heroes all stand tall and come out alive and together!" Peach cheered. The heroes all nodded in agreement as Claude kept staring at the piece of paper.

Claude sighed, "That has to mean something, oh well... we just need to wait for the heroes to come out alive. They will and I know they will have the answers! No way are they going to lose hope!"

"That's the spirit step-father! They're going to make out together and with the legend stones all perfectly intact!" Lucina cheered. Several of the heroes nodded in agreement as Shea and Dimitri kept staring at one another.

Dimitri asked, "Do you think they're going to make it out alive? That temple just screams dangerous to me."

"Only one way to find out Dimitri, either way... I just pray they're all going to be okay. Especially my brother... I can't bear to lose him yet," Shea sighed. Dimitri nodded as Shea looked toward him and gently smiled.

Dimtiri sighed, "They will do it, I know they will." Shea nodded as the two shook hands with each other. Gently smiling once more...

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