Chapter -18, date night

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After the incident Alora took a long bath, she needed it, it helps to calm her raging mind, this was the only place she could stay alone and think about the mental battle she is having

After the shower ended she changed into the clothes she found on the bed, she changed into a white off shoulder floral dress, she mindlessly loose braided her hair after drying it

She felt empty inside, the only emotion she was feeling was hatred, not for Enzo but for herself, she was slowly hating everything about herself, her conscience was slowly seeping away

She padded her way downstairs and saw Enzo arranging the table for lunch, it was already past lunch time, they didn't even realised how fast the clock turned to 3am in the afternoon

"Just at the right moment, lunch is ready" he stated smiling at her, as if nothing happened a moment ago

Alora gritted her teeth in anger but concealed it from him, she was used to his bipolar attitude but it was getting irritating for her as time passed

Without a word she sat on the chair and started to eat the lunch Enzo placed on her plate

"I am done" she stood up saying, taking her plate with her to the kitchen basin which still had some food left, she threw the leftovers and washed her plate

As she was about to make her way to the bedroom Enzo stopped her

"Are you okay sweetheart? You didn't eat much. You even left some food behind, is anything wrong?" Enzo asked sounding concerned, she never had leftovers, she hates wasting food the most but it's the first time she did it

Alora scoffed hearing him

"Wrong? Yes there is something wrong, everything here is wrong, everything" she yelled loudly enough for him to hear

"My love-"

"Don't call me that" she hissed glaring at him, his eyes slightly went wide seeing her change of attitude

"What am I to you Enzo? I am not a doll for godsake, I am a human, a living breathing human with emotions, what have I done to you!?" Her eyes teared up as she released all her pent up emotions

No matter how much she tried to act strong and not cry infront of him but the tears betrayed her and kept falling after one lone tear escaped.

"Darling please calm down" he tried to coax her as he tried to step near her, trying to embrace her in his arm

"No don't. Don't you dare" she hissed backing off immediately from his touch.

"I had enough, enough of your bullshits! I am sick of always submitting to you and your sick orders! You can't confine me just because of your sick fucking obsession "

As she yelled her frustrations out all her past nightmares flashed before her eyes, the things he did to her, her heart was burning from anger and self -hate

"Y-you threatened me with my family, beat by brother to the brink of death, snatched me away from my friends and happiness and still you expect me to love you back?" She said wiping her tears with the back of her hand

"You confined me in your home 8 years ago, no matter how much I begged you to let me see my family at least for once you always refused. Instead you punished me with those cruel tactics. Even after years you are still doing the same thing! Nothing about you changed. You are the same cruel monster!" As she yelled her voice weavered, her lips trembled, tears of frustration flowed like waterfall

"Alora baby please listen to me" Enzo tried to reason her but she was nowhere in her right mind, every word she spoke pierced him like an arrow.

"No. You listen to me!" She yelled snapping instantly
"I am tired of this relationship, this bond was doom to break since the beginning"

𝑬𝒏𝒛𝒐'𝒔 𝑪𝒂𝒑𝒕𝒊𝒗𝒆 Where stories live. Discover now