3 - Dare.

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Jeongukk's eyes widened at the question and peered his eyes around to look at his ex's faces to see if they were equally as shocked. To his surprise they looked unfazed at the question with Jimin just ran a hand through his hair and looked away clearly avoiding all possible eye contact. Taehyung however was a whole other story, he had a cocky smirk on his face and stared into Jeongukk's shocked eyes. The eye contact sent a unpleasant shiver down his spine as he swiftly reached for a shot glass.

"I'll pass" Jeongukk says reluctantly downing the shot glass. The worse thing he could do right now is probably actually answer that question and cause a bigger issue than the one already at hand.

Suddenly Jackson giggled and drunkenly said "He can't choose because they probably both are really good"

Everyone around this chuckled at this except Jimin, his sister, Ten, and Jeongukk. To their surprise even Taehyung was amused by this which cause Jimin to move his dark gaze to the taller male.

After a couple more rounds the bottle landed back on Jimin however almost everyone in that room was extremely intoxicated to even be worried about the fact he would have to face his ex's.

Every time either of the three was chosen Jeongukk's heart rate increased slightly just at the pure fact the question might have to do with their relationship.

Jimin saw the bottle pointing at him and without any hesitation and maybe even with a hint of boredom said "Dare." Jeongukk was shocked at how unfazed Jimin was throughout this whole party Taehyung's indifferent attitude was not exactly shocking because even whilst dating he behaved that way. Jimin however was the oldest in their relationship however was extremely submissive to everything they would tell him or force him to do. Jeongukk had always been the one who dominated over Jimin, but was still somewhat submissive to Taehyung.

Nayeon hummed to this and replied also clearly influenced by the alcohol she drank "I dare you~~ To spend 10 minutes in the kitchen alone with Jeongukk and Taehyung!"

Jeongukk's already doe eyes widened at this as he mentally was yelling at Jimin to drink the shot glass. One thing about the older was he had a high alcohol tolerance and weirdly enough mainly got drunk faster off of wine instead of Soju. That was just one of the many odd things about the smaller.

Jimin looked in both their directions with an empty gleam in his eyes face still expressionless. He shrugged and stood up as a familiar shorter girl tugged on his arm. He gave her almost as if they were communicated just with her eyes and she slowly let go of him. Jimin walked to the doorway of the kitchen then turned his head over his shoulders and muttered "come on I don't have all day"

Taehyung rolled his eyes to his snarky attitude but onto his feet and walked towards Jimin's direction. Jeongukk stared at the shorter in disbelief that he was actually going through with the date. But perhaps it wasn't the fact everyone around him was urging him to follow that made him get up and follow them, but maybe the fact a small piece of him wanted closure from their past relationship.

Jeongukk walked into the kitchen to see the silver haired man leaning against the fridge arms crossed while Taehyung sat on the island facing him. Jeongukk felt like he just walked into the most intense staring competition he has ever seen.


Although the calm and unbothered exterior he was putting up leaning against the cold fridge Jimin was genuinely internally panicking being around the same to males who used to take advantage of his vulnerability and kind nature.

"What are you just standing there for come in raven" Taehyung said darkly. His voice for sure became deeper an octave compared to the last time they met.

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