13 - Dangerous Nights

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As Jimin closes the door of his white BMW he stares ahead at his shared house with Taemin. Earlier he had successfully shrugged off his brother's concerns and unfortunately now it was time to go home. Jimin sighed really loud hoping something would save him from this upcoming interaction. Don't get him wrong Jimin is a strong man who could stand alone without Taemin of course, however a huge part of him feels that this is the relationship and treatment he deserves after treating Jungkook and Taehyung the way he did.

Jimin sighed again but even louder this time before realizing how stupid he probably looked car keys in one hand standing in front of his door sighing to himself. He opened the door with his own keys praying to anyone that Taemin was already fast asleep. As he quietly opened the front door and walked in and he was met with all the lights off.

Jimin let out a deep breath realizing Taemin had probably fallen asleep in their bedroom. Jimin puts his keys down on the counter and walked into the kitchen for a glass of water. As he goes on his tippy toes to reach the cupboard a creaking catches his attention. He spins around alerted just to be met with his cat Mochi. Jimin blinked and gave a small smile and crouched petting the animal. As he looked up he was met by a larger presence Taemin. Of course that bastard was awake and waiting for him.

Jimins heart rate accelerated as he stared deep into Taemin's eyes backing away yet no words being exchanged.

"You said you'd be back in an hour." Taemin said face void of any emotions.

"There was traffic and-" however Jimin was harshly cut off by Taemin's monotone voice.

"You Never called me back and ignored my calls." He stated matter of factly.

"I know and Im really sorry you know how Jaehyun gets..." Jimin says trying to keep things calm so nobody gets harmed.

Taemin scoffs eyebrows furrowing together and within 5 seconds things went from 1 to a hundred. With one quick movement Taemin had the smaller man pinned by his neck across the fridge glaring into his eyes.

As Jimin struggled under his hold gasping for shallow breaths Taemin chuckles. Jimins hand travels to the elders wrist trying to break free.

"Fuck Jimin! Does this relationship mean nothing to you" Taemin says in a menacing tone.

Jimin would reply if he could, but all the pressure on his throat barely allowed him to breathe. His flight or fight instincts kicked in and he knew he needed to get away from Taemin.

"FUCK YOU JIMIN! YOU THINK YOUR ALL THAT BUT YOUR JUST A WORTHLESS WHORE AND THATS WHY YOUR BOYFRIENDS YOUR SO OBSESSED WITH LEFT YOU" Taemin scoffs almost laughing at the last part and Jimin's hysterical stressed out expression "So much for changing, your still that weak vulnerable person who would offer their body for anybody's validation. You should be happy I even put up with you."

Taemin's words stabbed Jimin like a knife as his vision started to become blurry. He couldn't tell if it was due to the tears beaming his eyes or the fact he might actually faint from the lack of oxygen. With one last ounce of strength Jimin unwraps his hand from Taemin's and kicks his knee up hitting Taemin directly in the balls. As he tumbled back Jimin fell onto the floor gasping for breath.

His throat burned and he needed to get away. As Jimin made an effort to crawl away towards his phone a force dragged his leg back.

"Where the fuck do you think your going bitch!" Taemin yells grabbing a fistful of Jimins hair and slamming it on the floor.

Their fights were bad, but it never escalated to the point where Jimin felt genuinely threatened enough to call the police on Taemin.

Upon the impact with the floor Jimin's vision shook and he knew he could only keep fighting back for so long. Between choked out sobs and whimpers he begs for Taemin's forgiveness.

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