19 - I wanna paint (Flashback)

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I know you guys saw flashback in the title and are probably annoyed. I'm soo sorry this chapter had to be a flashback. I really wanted to write the Vminkook date first for u guys, but I felt as thought throughout the book so far we only got vmin and Jikook. I don't think Taekook has nearly developed enough for the date to happen yet. I definitely feel like I've given you guys a lot of Jikook and Jimin centered/ Jeongukk centered content. I need atleast one Taehyung Taekook centered chapter, before their date.

I promise next chapter will be the long awaited vminkook club date. OKAY ILL STOP YAPPING NOW! Enjoy this chapter!


Taehyung watched as graceful rivulets of baby blue paint streamed down his painting. He had nearly finished the sky, and gosh did this look good.

On the other side of the apartment Jeongukk and Jimin were not speaking to eachother, Taehyung wasn't sure why, neither did he want to know. He escaped the turbulence and chaos of their relationship with art.

Usually you'd expect Jimin to be the "dom" of the relationship due to the fact he was the oldest. That was not the case at all actually. Taehyung constantly asserted his dominance. He constantly felt like his relationship was falling apart lately. His anger issues were uncontrollable, Jeongukk grows more manipulative and secretive day by day, and Jimin was constantly crying and complaining 24/7.

Taehyung needed an escape and art had to be the best one. He was drawing the field they first met on. He hoped that this painting perhaps would slightly calm the waters between them.

It was missing something, and he couldn't quite put his finger on it. Taehyung stepped back finger on chin raising an eyebrow. What the fuck was it missing? He looked down at his pallete to scan over his color options. Perhaps if he just added a little more dirt to the greenery?

Taehyung slightly jumped when he heard a door slam. He turned around to see a fuming Jeongukk stomping out of their shared bedroom. On a usual day he would probably try to calm him down.

Taehyung was focused on his painting however, and dismissed the ticking time bomb around him. He eyed Jeongukks every movement as he looked pissed typing something up on his phone.
This seemed to have caught Jimin's attention as the pink haired male looked up from the dining table he was sitting at Jeongukk.

"Jimin what the actual fuck is this?" Jeongukk says shoving Jimin's phone in his face.

Jimin scoffed at this not even looking at what was on the phone and instead rolled his eyes.
"I dunno nobody told you to go through my shit."

Jeongukk's eyes turned darker to the male's rude behavior. Taehyung simply observed attention being taken away from the painting. A unsteady feeling sat at the pit of his stomach. Jimin better start praying now because Taehyung was NOT getting him out of this one.

Jeongukk abruptly grabbed Jimin's jaw forcing him to see the phone. He saw the smaller's eyes slightly widen to the messages being shown. Now Taehyung was actually curious what was on the phone.

"Put my phone down Jeongukk." Jimin says quickly trying to reach for the phone. Eyes slightly panicked glancing at Taehyung to see if the male saw.

"Oh, and this." Jeongukk played a video with loud music clearly at the club, yet Taehyung could recognize the sound of making out anywhere.

Oh, so Jimin was making out with a random guy at the club?

Quite frankly, Taehyung was tired. Jeongukk could deal with this one.

Jimin quickly defends himself "I was drunk I swear-!"

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