18 - Kim Taehyung asked me on a date?!

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Lately Taehyung has been in his feels. He wasn't sure if it was entirely a good thing though. This whole incident with Jimin in the hospital has made them closer than ever.

Taehyung would visit everyday and they have started to become a lot closer than you'd think. From trauma dumping to just cuddling and doing random domestic things.

Because Taehyung still had to manage his company, through the day Jeongukk would spend most his time with Jimin. Taehyung wasn't exactly too curious of what went on when he wasn't there. It was mainly due to the fact that the feelings he has been feeling this past week terrified him.

He had lost a bet between the three of them and died his hair a really pretty turquoise. (Sorry for the hospital staff that had to clean that up and scolded them.) It wasn't just about the hair though. Everything was bringing him back to the old feels he couldn't control around these two.

He noticed Jimin had became a lot more compliant and vulnerable than he was before. Mainly around him and Jeongukk atleast. Even though it worried Taehyung he didn't have the heart to say anything, it reminded him far too much of how things used to be yet he wasn't scared this time.

Jeongukk on the other hand seemed a little more hesitant. He would clearly hide it around Jimin, but it was obvious he was unsure of everything going on.

Taehyung cleared his throat as he walked out of his car. He was meeting up with Jeongukk at a cafe to discuss the whole Taemin situation. Lately he definitely spent a ton of time with Jeongukk one on one.

He waved at the familiar ravenette and quickly rushed to sit in front of him.

"Hey kook!" Taehyung said quickly spotting a coffee and a banana milk.

"I have so much news!" Jeongukk said quickly flashing his bunny smile.

Why hadn't Jeongukk just mentioned it at the hospital? Surely they were together a lot.

"Why didn't you tell me at the hospital though?" Taehyung asked curiously.

"Oh- well I don't want Jimin to focus on specific things until everything is settled" Jeongukk said a little more seriously.

It was sort of flattering Jeongukk entrusted him with most of his information.

The ravenette's slender fingers slightly tapped on the table and he finally said "Jimin is being released tomorrow!"

Taehyung raised his eyebrows and lets out a breath of relief. He was so proud of the tiny silverhaired male. Being in the hospital was indeed rough, and Jimin wanted to go back to his everyday life. Taehyung's insides fluttered at the thought of Jimin's crescent smile when he was going to hear the news.

"That's great Jeongukk! Oh my gosh he is going to be sooo happy"

"Not just that, but he is finally choosing to press charges on Taemin.. only on the condition we can count on you to represent him in court right?" Jeongukk added

Taehyung chewed his cheek at this. It's been such a while since he actually took on the role of being the lawyer. Representing Jimin an already strong lawyer would not only test his skills, but the media would no doubt talk.

Almost as if Jeongukk sensed Taehyung's, conflict he offered a kind smile.

"Look, you don't have to do it at all, it would just be extremely helpful for him.. he's been through a lot." Jeongukk offers sympathetically.

Gosh, Jeongukk was so pretty, down to his huge kind eyes followed by his soft looking nose that Taehyung's hand itched to boop and protect.

Jeongukk being so thoughtful was enough for Taehyung to be swayed by anything he said.

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